Are You in the House Alone? Test | Final Test - Easy

Richard Peck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Are You in the House Alone? Test | Final Test - Easy

Richard Peck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Gail's dad say that he is going to go as he grabs his keys one night?
(a) The police.
(b) The school.
(c) Mrs. Montgomery's house.
(d) The Lawvers'.

2. Gail points out that she wouldn't bring her ___________ to a counselor.
(a) Daydreams.
(b) Problems.
(c) Good friends.
(d) Family.

3. What does the nurse utter under her breath about the police who were trying to question Gail?
(a) Crazy men.
(b) Insensitive fools.
(c) Stupid pigs.
(d) Tin badge creep.

4. How much money did Aunt Viola usually send to Gail on her birthday each year?
(a) $20.
(b) $10.
(c) $50.
(d) $100.

5. What does Gail call the ER doctor once she realizes she has already forgotten his name?
(a) Dr. Nobody.
(b) Dr. X.
(c) Dr. ER.
(d) Dr. M.

6. The rumors say that Gail was set upon by a ___________ who thrashed her to an inch of her life.
(a) Best friend.
(b) Boyfriend.
(c) Certain rich young man.
(d) Group of dope fiends.

7. Who was a loud ringleader of the Sweathogs at the shop where Gail and Steve are?
(a) Reginald Darcy.
(b) LaVerne Shull.
(c) Phil Lawver.
(d) LaTonya Trist.

8. What does Gail remember about the doctor she sees from Planned Parenthood?
(a) Red hair.
(b) Cold hands.
(c) Warm smile.
(d) Chatty personality.

9. When Mr. Sampson points out that most boys are just talk, Gail questions why she has to ___________.
(a) Talk to him.
(b) Be afraid.
(c) Sit there.
(d) Listen.

10. What does Gail find out she has in her hand when she begins to wake up?
(a) Stitches.
(b) A keep-open IV.
(c) A poker.
(d) A saline bag.

11. Gail says that she suspects that __________ doesn't need them, even though Alison disagrees.
(a) Phil.
(b) Sonia.
(c) Steve.
(d) Madam Malevich.

12. In her mind, Gail tells her father to stop looking so _______________ when she looks at him.
(a) Middle-aged.
(b) Dull.
(c) Fragile.
(d) Square.

13. Gail's mother talks about Gail's father: "He was so certain something could be done legally, and now he's just --- _____________."
(a) Floudering.
(b) Crazy.
(c) Scared.
(d) Bored.

14. What does Madam request as a beverage from Gail's mother when offered?
(a) Coffee.
(b) Water.
(c) Tea with lemon.
(d) Diet Rite.

15. Where does Phil hit Gail which causes her to be unconscious at the end of the chapter?
(a) Temple.
(b) Neck.
(c) Arm.
(d) Back.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Gail say would happen if she were to have gotten pregnant from the rape?

2. Gail asks her father if he is putting _______________ on that window for her protection.

3. Phil says that he thinks Gail is more of the _________ type, and asks her if she is.

4. Who was running late when Gail was trying to go out with Steve to talk to him?

5. What does Gail reach for in order to hit Phil and to defend herself against him?

(see the answer keys)

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