In the Belly of the Beast: Letters from Prison Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

In the Belly of the Beast: Letters from Prison Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did the police deal with the black farmer when he threatened them?
(a) They arrested him.
(b) They shot him.
(c) They beat him.
(d) They set their dogs on him.

2. What does Abbott say ex-prisoners can never get honestly?
(a) Wealth.
(b) Happiness.
(c) Friends.
(d) A job.

3. What does Abbott claim has been robbed from him?
(a) His understanding of the world.
(b) His destiny.
(c) His perception of human behavior.
(d) His concept of time.

4. What does Abbott say men view each other as in American society?
(a) Competition.
(b) Objects of exploitation.
(c) Enemies.
(d) Objects of hate.

5. What did Marx say in his letter was ineffective?
(a) Capital punishment.
(b) Capitalism.
(c) Prisons.
(d) Workhouses.

6. What did the restaurant do with the young man's food?
(a) Served it cold.
(b) Put it in a dog's bowl.
(c) Dropped it in his lap.
(d) Put it in a paper bag.

7. Who does Abbott say American democracy is slanted against?
(a) Women.
(b) Asians.
(c) Men.
(d) Blacks.

8. Whose writings does Abbott say he supports?
(a) Lenin's.
(b) Stalin's.
(c) Mao's.
(d) Trotsky's.

9. What political leader does Abbott liken himself to?
(a) Castro.
(b) Hitler.
(c) Khruschev.
(d) Stalin.

10. What kind of people does Abbott say the Vietnam Veterans killed?
(a) God-fearing people.
(b) Machine-like people.
(c) Doll-like people.
(d) Peaceful people.

11. What does Abbott say Americans have a hunger for?
(a) Religion.
(b) The death penalty.
(c) True crime.
(d) Burgers.

12. What is Abbott's pen pal's ambition?
(a) To become a housewife.
(b) To become an actress.
(c) To become a criminologist.
(d) To become a lawyer.

13. What does Abbott say he can't understand about Gilmore?
(a) He wanted to die.
(b) He was willing to kill again.
(c) He killed two people who didn't resist.
(d) He had a family.

14. What does Abbott say he is conflicted about?
(a) Moving to another prison.
(b) The prospect of a family.
(c) The prospect of freedom.
(d) His love for his country.

15. Which of the following does Abbott say whites use to prove they are superior?
(a) Reaction tests.
(b) Speech tests.
(c) Physiological tests.
(d) Intelligence tests.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Abbott want two dollars to purchase?

2. What political system does Abbott want to see overthrown?

3. What does Abbott say is a fading dream?

4. What does Abbott say drugs are his antidote to?

5. What does Abbott think communists fight for?

(see the answer keys)

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