In Solitary Witness Test | Final Test - Easy

Gordon Zahn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

In Solitary Witness Test | Final Test - Easy

Gordon Zahn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Jagerstatter's lawyer know about the sentence?
(a) It was final.
(b) It was unusually harsh.
(c) It could still be reversed.
(d) It was open to interpretation.

2. What did Jagerstatter compare Nazis to?
(a) Dark figures in the night.
(b) Vampires.
(c) Idols demanding sacrifices.
(d) Demons.

3. What was the name of the priest that came to see Jagerstatter in prison?
(a) Fr. George.
(b) Fr. Matthias.
(c) Fr. Furthauer.
(d) Fr. Henrich.

4. When was Jagerstatter moved last before his death?
(a) July 3, 1943.
(b) July 29, 1944.
(c) May 14, 1943.
(d) July 14, 1943.

5. What does Jagerstatter's lawyer say about the odds during his trial?
(a) They were good because of the judge.
(b) They were in-between.
(c) They were against success.
(d) They were excellent.

6. Where did Jagerstatter's party stop on their way to Berlin?
(a) Nuntentag.
(b) Stunteberg.
(c) Berlin.
(d) Ragensburg.

7. Who did Jagerstatter's farewell letter transferred by?
(a) The prison priest.
(b) Berlin.
(c) Prison authorities.
(d) Nazi propaganda.

8. What does the tribunal tell Jagerstatter at the start of his trial?
(a) That the trial was just a formality and that his execution was already being planned.
(b) That to refuse military service would equate death.
(c) That a bribe would go a long way.
(d) That he had the right to pick a better attorney.

9. What did Zahn take as an indication of the fact that there might have been more animosity between Mrs. Jagerstatter and the villagers than people are inclined to remember?
(a) She used pictures of the inhabitants of the village for target practice.
(b) She called the inhabitants by their first name.
(c) She cried during the interview.
(d) She didn't allow any of the inhabitants of the village on her property.

10. When was Jagerstatter able to receive letters in his Berlin prison?
(a) Once a month.
(b) Once a week.
(c) Twice a month.
(d) As they arrived.

11. When was Jagerstatter allowed to write letters in his Berlin prison?
(a) Once a day.
(b) Twice a month.
(c) Once a month.
(d) Once a week.

12. Who helped Jagerstatter find a lawyer?
(a) His mother.
(b) His village priest.
(c) His wife.
(d) A friend.

13. What did Jagerstatter admire about his cousin's faith?
(a) Its opposition to war on principle.
(b) Its community.
(c) Its mass.
(d) Its dress code.

14. What did the court official plead with Jagerstatter to accept?
(a) A new lawyer.
(b) To accept a non-combat position.
(c) A fine.
(d) Time in prison.

15. Why wasn't rejecting the Nazi Party an automatic death sentence?
(a) There were loopholes in the law.
(b) The firing squads were not sharp shooters.
(c) The Nazis were trying to win opposition over.
(d) The judges were easily bribed.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Jagerstatter's farewell letter written on?

2. What did the train in Jagerstatter's dream represent?

3. What did Jagerstatter dream about after having trouble falling asleep?

4. Who did Jagerstatter tell his wife not to think evil of?

5. Where was Jagerstatter moved to prior to his death?

(see the answer keys)

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