In Solitary Witness Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Gordon Zahn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

In Solitary Witness Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Gordon Zahn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Zahn think Jagerstatter would want to avoid the local tavern?
(a) To avoid having to pay his debt back.
(b) To avoid losing money betting.
(c) To avoid his friends making fun of him.
(d) To avoid having to defend his political stance.

2. What was Jagerstatter accused of after the vote?
(a) Not producing enough on his farm.
(b) Being a Communist.
(c) Being a Nazi spy.
(d) Putting the village at risk.

3. How did Jagerstatter qualify the Nazi regime?
(a) Just.
(b) Bound to fail.
(c) Too perfect.
(d) Immoral.

4. Why was Jagerstatter's vote eliminated from the count?
(a) He never registered to vote.
(b) He told his vote to everyone in the polling station.
(c) People feared reprisal.
(d) He didn't use the proper ballot.

5. What did Jagerstatter substitute for the proclamation, Heil Hitler?
(a) Hamm hitler.
(b) Gart Hitler.
(c) Fufu Hitler.
(d) Pfui Hitler.

6. Who said she knew about Jagerstatter's alleged daughter?
(a) Jagerstatter's legitimate daughter.
(b) Jagerstatter's sister.
(c) Jagerstatter's wife.
(d) Jagerstatter's mother.

7. Why did Furthauer give the position of sexton to Jagerstatter ?
(a) He noted his attendance at Sunday Mass.
(b) He noted his attendance at daily Mass.
(c) Jagerstatter gave a sizable donation to the church.
(d) Jagerstatter asked for the position.

8. What did Rev. Franz Baldinger tell Jagerstatter to accept?
(a) That he would die.
(b) That the Nazi regime was good for Christians.
(c) That he would have to serve in the military.
(d) That he was chosen.

9. Who does Jagerstatter say were always persecuted?
(a) Jews.
(b) Christians.
(c) Nazis.
(d) Freedom fighters.

10. Who influenced Jagerstatter's religious beliefs?
(a) His stepfather.
(b) His grandmother.
(c) His father.
(d) His mother.

11. What does Zahn say Hitler did?
(a) Enslaved the German population.
(b) Brought Europe to its knees.
(c) Fought bravely.
(d) Created an empire of fear.

12. What did Jagerstatter tell his wife not to do?
(a) Go into hiding.
(b) Try to brake him out of prison.
(c) Post bail.
(d) Visit him in prison.

13. What did Jagerstatter think serving the Nazis would make him?
(a) A monster.
(b) Evil.
(c) An idiot.
(d) A weak person.

14. What shrine did Jagerstatter make a pilgrimage to?
(a) Emmster.
(b) Rome.
(c) Lourdes.
(d) Altotting.

15. What vote did Jagerstatter cast?
(a) Yes.
(b) He voted blank.
(c) No.
(d) He did not vote.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Jagerstatter never consider hiding?

2. When did Jagerstatter report for duty?

3. Where did Jagerstatter go on his honeymoon?

4. What does Charles Zahn say about the new priest and Jagerstatter's relationship?

5. What day does Charles Zahn say there is little information about?

(see the answer keys)

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