In Paradise Test | Final Test - Medium

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In Paradise Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the conclusion of Part IV: “In Paradise,” Chapter 16, the narrator describes Olin, saying, “In the wavering of candles he sits motionless, broken-brained and” what?
(a) “Completely alone.”
(b) “Waiting.”
(c) “Wholly brokenhearted.”
(d) “Finally open to the world.”

2. Who informs Olin in Part III: “Dancing at Auschwitz,” Chapter 14 that she has tracked down a former patient of Dr. Allgeier’s who later worked as a camp guard?
(a) Erna.
(b) Anna Akhmatova.
(c) Sister Catherine.
(d) Brigitte Frank.

3. What does Malan say in Part III: “Dancing at Auschwitz,” Chapter 13 “can speak when words cannot”?
(a) “Music.”
(b) “The soul.”
(c) “Love.”
(d) “The hand.”

4. Who is described as “Becca’s companion, a violinist with long black hair” in Part II: “In the Ogre’s Cave,” Chapter 7?
(a) Malan.
(b) Jaroslav.
(c) Rainer.
(d) Stefan.

5. What is the name of the prayer that is translated by the rabbi as “Making Peace by Making Whole” in Part III: “Dancing at Auschwitz,” Chapter 11?
(a) Almanach de Gotha.
(b) Szlachta.
(c) Olsztyn.
(d) Oseh Shalom.

Short Answer Questions

1. What word from Part II: “In the Ogre’s Cave,” Chapter 6 means causing insidious harm or ruin?

2. What museum does Olin visit in Part IV: “In Paradise,” Chapter 16?

3. Who leads the Christian prayer service that Olin attends with Professor Adina Schreier in the beginning of Part II: “In the Ogre’s Cave,” Chapter 6?

4. What was Josef Mengele’s nickname?

5. Who is described in Part II: “In the Ogre’s Cave,” Chapter 6 as “a Czech whose mother had survived the first selection only to die within the next few hours”?

Short Essay Questions

1. What information does Earwig relate regarding his family in Part IV: “In Paradise,” Chapter 15?

2. How does the dancing come about in Part III: “Dancing at Auschwitz,” Chapter 11? Who dances alongside Olin?

3. What reason does Olin give for his family’s failure to search for his mother when he “bears witness” in Part III: “Dancing at Auschwitz,” Chapter 14?

4. What inner conflicts does Olin reveal in Part II: “In the Ogre’s Cave,” Chapter 9?

5. How does G. Earwig describe the loss of his family in Part III: “Dancing at Auschwitz,” Chapter 12?

6. Where does Olin go on the morning of the departure in Part IV: “In Paradise,” Chapter 15? What does he do here?

7. What information does Sister Catherine relate to Olin when she greets him in the beginning of Part III: “Dancing at Auschwitz,” Chapter 12?

8. What does Olin learn about Father Mikal in Cracow in Part IV: “In Paradise,” Chapter 16?

9. How does the narrator describe the mood of the attendees in the beginning of Part III: “Dancing at Auschwitz,” Chapter 11?

10. What does Olin encounter when his bus reaches Cracow in Part IV: “In Paradise,” Chapter 16?

(see the answer keys)

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