In Our Time Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

In Our Time Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the woman see when she looks out of the window?
(a) Green tables
(b) Deck chairs
(c) Ski lifts
(d) A swimming pool

2. What does Nick use for bait?
(a) Worms
(b) Grasshoppers
(c) Night crawlers
(d) Nothing

3. What is Nick's condition?
(a) He is mourning
(b) He is road weary
(c) He is invigorated
(d) He is damaged physically and psychologically

4. Who is Sam Cardinella in the Memoir for Chapter 15?
(a) An author
(b) A chocolatier
(c) A wine maker
(d) A Chicago criminal

5. What is Nick's goal?
(a) Find a new position on Wall Street
(b) Become regional sales director at work
(c) Get married next year
(d) To heal and live with no consequences

6. How does Mrs. Elliot fill her days?
(a) Tutoring high school students
(b) Typing Mr. Elliot's poetry
(c) Working in the garden
(d) Baking cookies

7. Where are the young man and his wife staying?
(a) A hostel in Germany
(b) A chalet in Switzerland
(c) A bed and breakfast in Connecticut
(d) A hotel in Italy

8. What is Hubert's wife's name?
(a) Camille
(b) Catherine
(c) Connie
(d) Cornelia

9. What is sitting under a table in the rain?
(a) A dog
(b) An old man
(c) A child
(d) A cat

10. Where does Nick debark from the train?
(a) Portland
(b) Seney
(c) Ann Arbor
(d) Burlington

11. What is the topic of the story in Chapter 15?
(a) Nick's reunion with his war buddies
(b) Nick's wedding day
(c) Nick's fishing trip
(d) Nick's relationship with his father

12. What does the traveler buy when he visits various towns?
(a) Art reproductions
(b) Clothes
(c) Souvenir ashtrays
(d) Books

13. Who is Joe in the story for Chapter 13?
(a) A fisherman
(b) Nick's new friend
(c) The narrator
(d) A plumber

14. Where does Joe play with the other children?
(a) The video arcade
(b) The playground
(c) The lake and forest
(d) The streets

15. In the Memoir for Chapter 11, which of the following objects is not thrown into the bullfighting ring?
(a) Bread
(b) Coca-Cola cans
(c) Cushions
(d) Leather wine bottles

Short Answer Questions

1. In the story for Chapter 10, where is the American couple staying?

2. What is the name of the young man who is the central character in the story for Chapter 11?

3. With whom is Nick on vacation in the story for Chapter 12?

4. What type of editorial work does Mr. Elliot write?

5. What wounded animal is treated cruelly in the Memoir for Chapter 10?

(see the answer keys)

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