In Our Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

In Our Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is meant by "riding the rails?"
(a) Driving a semi truck
(b) Taking the subway
(c) Riding on trains without paying the fare
(d) Putting up fences

2. What does Krebs want most of all?
(a) To live without any consequences
(b) To take a cruise
(c) A car
(d) To move to California

3. In the Memoir for Chapter 5, what are the condemned army officers covered with before their execution?
(a) Wet, dead leaves
(b) Olive oil
(c) Hoods
(d) Paint

4. What is the relationship between Nick and his nurse?
(a) He wants to marry her
(b) It is very strained
(c) They do not get along
(d) They are cordial

5. How does Nick sustain his injury?
(a) He falls on an icy sidewalk
(b) He is hit by a car
(c) He is sucker punched
(d) He falls down stairs

6. Who is Krebs?
(a) Nick's recruiting officer
(b) Nick's sergeant
(c) Nick's best army buddy
(d) A soldier adjusting to civilian life

7. What do Nick and Bill decide to do?
(a) Get drunk
(b) Call some girls
(c) Go fishing
(d) Enlist in the army

8. What is the nature of the problem with which Nick's father can assist?
(a) A man has hacked off his forearm
(b) A woman is having trouble delivering a baby
(c) A man has been indicted on criminal charges
(d) A man needs a will drawn up

9. Where did Bugs meet Ad?
(a) A homeless shelter
(b) Detroit
(c) In jail
(d) In school

10. Why do Nick and Bill not go out in the boat?
(a) The pond is frozen
(b) It is being repaired
(c) It is too dark
(d) It is too cold

11. Who is Marjorie?
(a) Nick's sister
(b) Nick's piano teacher
(c) Nick's mother
(d) Nick's girlfriend

12. What does Krebs' mother allow him to do now?
(a) Move to a bigger city
(b) Bring a girl home for dinner
(c) Get a job
(d) Take the car in the evenings

13. What does Nick's father hire some local Indians to do?
(a) Plant some new trees
(b) Till a new garden
(c) Paint his house
(d) Cut logs that have drifted onto his property

14. What is the location of the Story in Chapter 3?
(a) New Mexico
(b) Michigan
(c) Maine
(d) Montana

15. Who is the girl Nick has recently broken up with?
(a) Marjorie
(b) Mary
(c) Mary Ellen
(d) Marie

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Nick, his father and Uncle George deal with at the Indian camp?

2. Who is Bugs?

3. What job did the narrator have in the war?

4. What profession does Nick's father have?

5. Why does the Lieutenant ride his horse out into the field?

(see the answer keys)

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