In His Own Write Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

In His Own Write Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "The Fingletoad Resort of Teddiviscious", how many "peodle wash I.T.B."?
(a) 9.
(b) 9 1/2.
(c) 10 1/2.
(d) 15.

2. What is singing in "I Sat Belonely"?
(a) A cat.
(b) A gorilla.
(c) A donkey.
(d) A pig.

3. Large John asks the Blind Jew where something is in "Treasure Ivan". What does he ask the Blind Jew about?
(a) Glasses.
(b) Dog.
(c) White stick.
(d) Goddle.

4. "I Wandered" begins, "On balmy sea and ____ schooners".
(a) Pernie.
(b) Piney.
(c) Shaky.
(d) Sunny.

5. How is the word "Ivan" pronounced in "Caimbilge" in "All Abord Speeching"?
(a) Oivan.
(b) Aivan.
(c) Orvan.
(d) Oivan.

Short Answer Questions

1. The setting of "Scene three Act one" reads, "A broadshouldered room containing hugh fireplace facing a large big _____."

2. Who is the main character in "Treasure Ivan"?

3. Who "has put the Black Pot" on the "owld loon" in "Treasure Ivan"?

4. In the final lines of "Alec Speaking," Lennon breaks rhyme, meter and nonsense words with the lines: "Onward, my friends to victory and glory / for the _____."

5. How old does Jack turn out to be in "Treasure Ivan"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What can you say about Lennon's consistency of language in the book? Is there an indication of meaning to it?

2. Describe the topic of "All Abord Speeching." What is this selection satirizing?

3. What takes place in "On Safairy with the Whide Hunter"?

4. What are the selections "The Fingletoad Resort of Teddiviscious" and "Alec Speaking" about?

5. What happens in the story "Victor Triumphs Again and Mrs. Weatherby Learns a Lesson"?

6. "I Sat Belonely" is a poem which describes what?

7. What is the excerpt "A Letter" about?

8. Where do the characters go in "Treasure Ivan"? What are the events that take place in this story?

9. What becomes of Henry in "Henry and Harry"? What does he do at the end of the story?

10. What is taking place in the opening of "Scene three Act one"?

(see the answer keys)

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