In His Own Write Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

In His Own Write Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "At the Denis," the Sir says, "Sly down in that legchair Madam and open your _____ wide."
(a) Gaggle.
(b) Mouth.
(c) Gorble.
(d) Gob.

2. Dave leaps off the bus like a burning what in "Partly Dave"?
(a) Snark.
(b) Gobber.
(c) Lunatic.
(d) Spastic.

3. What is Frank's wife's name in "No Flies on Frank"?
(a) Marian.
(b) Sara.
(c) Julian.
(d) Maureen.

4. What does Frank's mother-in-law not offer him that has him upset in "No Flies on Frank"?
(a) Tea.
(b) Cookies.
(c) Cocktails.
(d) Coffee.

5. On what kind of islands are the famous five plotting adventures?
(a) Venetian.
(b) Various.
(c) Varial.
(d) Varicose.

Short Answer Questions

1. The famous five "talked Craig and ____ into foing the dirty worj."

2. Dave has the gift of the what?

3. How is the growth on Eric's head described in "The Fat Growth on Eric Hearble"?

4. In what kind of cottage does the famous five's uncle live?

5. What do Randolf's friends say when they enter?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the word "macabre", and explain how this applies to "Good Dog Nigel" and "No Flies on Frank."

2. Who are the main characters in the short story, "Randolf's Party"?

3. Why does Frank argue with his wife in "No Flies on Frank"? What happens because of this?

4. Describe the essential plot for "Randolf's Party"? What are the characters' actions?

5. Describe the plot of "The Fat Growth on Eric Hearble."

6. Compare the characters of Eric Hearble and Frank. How are these characters similar? How do they differ?

7. Describe how Lennon uses the illustrations to complement the writings in this book.

8. Discuss the use of language in "Randolf's Party" and "The Wrestling Dog." How does Lennon use portmanteau in each?

9. What is the setting of "Randolf's Party"? What imagery is described?

10. Describe the women in the following selections: "Partly Dave," "No Flies on Frank," and "At the Denis." Compare and contrast each.

(see the answer keys)

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