In Dubious Battle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

In Dubious Battle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jim hear at the end of Chapter 6 before he falls asleep?
(a) Men conversing.
(b) An owl hooting.
(c) A baby crying.
(d) A rooster crowing.

2. Why does Harry make a point of taking the paper with him when he takes Jim to the house?
(a) He does not want anyone stealing his ideas.
(b) He does not want Jim to read it.
(c) Someone will take the paper if he does not.
(d) The cops go through the place regularly.

3. Who does Mac introduce to Jim as the bedroom radical at the house?
(a) Joy.
(b) Dick.
(c) Harry.
(d) Himself.

4. At the end of Chapter 2, what does Mac make a speech about that explains why his mother's house was set on fire?
(a) He was followed to his home one night.
(b) She was housing Party members.
(c) He made a speech about people starving.
(d) She was discovered to be related to Mac.

5. What does Jim admit about the possibility of Lisa dying during the delivery process?
(a) It would have been worth the gamble.
(b) It was his greatest fear during the experience.
(c) London would never speak to him again.
(d) It would have devastated the men.

6. Why does Jim think his mother died while he was in jail for a vagrancy charge?
(a) She simply did not want to live.
(b) She thought the world was coming to an end.
(c) She was killed by Party opposers.
(d) She wanted to die for the Party.

7. What is Mac's dream about the the strike and causing a lot of fuss?
(a) The strikers will start their own association.
(b) The whole district is organized by spring.
(c) The Growers' Association will dissolve.
(d) The Growers' Association will give in to their demands.

8. How does Dan feel about the group of strikers and union about to form?
(a) Neutral.
(b) Negative.
(c) Positive.
(d) Does not care.

9. How does Harry describe the life of a Party member to Jim?
(a) Becoming a robot that is controlled by the Party.
(b) An easier life than that of non-Party members.
(c) An unparalleled and enoyable existence.
(d) A life of hard work and poverty.

10. What does Jim tell Mac influenced him to join the Party?
(a) The five men he met in jail.
(b) His father's meaningless death.
(c) The numerous books he has read.
(d) A distaste for ordinary, meaningless life.

11. What does Jim Nolan understand that his landlady will not do when he leaves the rooming house?
(a) Write him a good reference.
(b) Let him come back to the rooming house.
(c) Help him find a new apartment.
(d) Give him back his week's advance.

12. What are Jim and Mac doing at the beginning of Chapter 5?
(a) Picking cotton.
(b) Picking apples.
(c) Fixing a wagon.
(d) Clearing fields.

13. Who does Mac suggest for general chairman because he has a cooler head than London?
(a) Dakin.
(b) Jim.
(c) Doc Burton.
(d) Himself.

14. What does Jim wonder that Dan should be doing instead of manual labor?
(a) Typist.
(b) Working the charity system.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Union work.

15. Who does London name as Doc Burton's right-hand-man?
(a) Dakin.
(b) Jim.
(c) Mac.
(d) Sam.

Short Answer Questions

1. What ordinance does Mac predict the county will pass in the event of a strike?

2. Who does the checker try to bribe for information at the beginning of Chapter 6?

3. What mysterious story from his childhood does Jim reminisce about in the beginning of Chapter 2?

4. What happens to Dan when he is trying to get out of the tree?

5. How Jim describe his mother following her change in demeanor during his childhood?

(see the answer keys)

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