In Custody: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

In Custody: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Chotu?
(a) Murad's servant.
(b) Deven's servant.
(c) Siddiqui's servant.
(d) Sarla's servant.

2. What does Murad say they can afford with the funding Deven has received from the college for the tape recorder?
(a) The cheapest, worst model.
(b) One for Deven and one for Murad.
(c) The best of the best.
(d) None at all.

3. Who is Dhanu?
(a) A student who helps Deven edit the tapes.
(b) The college janitor.
(c) The college registrar.
(d) A grad student who assists Deven with teaching.

4. Who is Safiya Begum?
(a) Nur's first wife.
(b) Murad's mother.
(c) Siddiqui's mother.
(d) Deven's mother-in-law.

5. What is strange about the interview room when Deven and Chiku arrive at the start of Chapter 10?
(a) Someone else is staying there.
(b) Imtiaz is there.
(c) It is empty.
(d) It appears Nur and his friends partied all night.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the old woman say to Deven about Imtiaz after he leaves the day he visits when Imtiaz is ill?

2. What does Deven tell Nur his fans come to his house to do?

3. What does the registrar, Mr. Rai, tell Deven and Siddiqui regarding the annual board meeting?

4. What do Dhanu and his friends demand from Deven in Chapter 10?

5. What does Murad tell Deven to do in order to pay off all of his bills?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Deven call Murad in a panic the first time he meets with Nur in the room Nur's wife had arranged? How does Murad help Deven?

2. How does Murad behave in the shop when he and Deven meet to purchase the tape recorder?

3. How is Raj described? In what way was Deven's friendship with Raj different from his friendship with Murad?

4. What things does Nur try to get Deven or the college to pay for in his final letters to him?

5. Why is Siddiqui's house being demolished in Chapter 11?

6. What happens when Deven and Murad listen to the tapes of his interview with Nur? What does Murad suggest Deven do?

7. Who is Jayadev and what does he say to Deven at the annual board meeting, which Sarla overhears?

8. What good news does Deven receive from Mr. Rai in the registrar's office at the end of Chapter 6?

9. Describe Siddiqui's house. Why does he live there?

10. Why is Nur's interview room bare when Deven and Chiku enter at the start of Chapter 10?

(see the answer keys)

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