In Custody: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

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In Custody: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Sarla think Deven stopped going to Nur, according to her insinuation at the start of Chapter 8?
(a) Murad fired him.
(b) He cannot afford the bus fare.
(c) The woman he has been seeing ended their affair.
(d) Nur no longer wants to work with him.

2. Where is the room Deven is using to meet with Nur located?
(a) On the second floor of a cafe.
(b) At the top floor of a brothel.
(c) In a vacant hospital room.
(d) In the back of a courtyard.

3. What is happening at Siddiqui's house when Deven goes to see him in Chapter 11?
(a) It is being demolished.
(b) Someone else is living there.
(c) Siddiqui had thrown Deven a surprise party.
(d) Nur is doing a poetry reading.

4. Which department at the college is more likely to receive funding?
(a) Science.
(b) Anthropology.
(c) Hindi.
(d) Urdu.

5. What does Nur do when Deven begins writing down a poem Nur recited at the end of Chapter 9?
(a) He tears Deven's copybook.
(b) He asks Deven why they are not recording.
(c) He writes it himself.
(d) He recites even more new poetry.

6. What does Nur want Deven's college to do for him as per the letter Deven received when he arrived home after the interview?
(a) Pay him an annual salary.
(b) Name a building after him.
(c) Pay for his surgery.
(d) Hire him to teach.

7. What does Nur talk about at the start of the interview to Deven's disappointment?
(a) His friends.
(b) Food and drink.
(c) Music.
(d) His wives.

8. What does Deven worry he might have to do once the board finds out his tapes are useless?
(a) Ask Imtiaz for help.
(b) Interview Nur again.
(c) Find a new job.
(d) Pawn Sarla's jewelry or send her back to her family.

9. Who is Safiya Begum?
(a) Siddiqui's mother.
(b) Nur's first wife.
(c) Deven's mother-in-law.
(d) Murad's mother.

10. What does Murad say to Jain about his nephew Chiku?
(a) He is a lazy drunk.
(b) They could not have done it without him.
(c) He did not know how to use the tape recorder.
(d) He is a technical genius.

11. What does Deven ask Trivedi for, which Trivedi finds absurd, but agrees to?
(a) A loan.
(b) A salary advance.
(c) A promotion.
(d) One week leave from work.

12. What does Deven do as Imtiaz argues with Nur, telling him to recite to his friends while she lay dying?
(a) He convinces Imtiaz to go to the hospital.
(b) He leaves.
(c) He gathers Nur's friends so he can recite for them.
(d) He orders their servant to bring Imtiaz medicine.

13. What family plans does Deven break in order to interview Nur at the end of Chapter 8?
(a) A cousin's wedding.
(b) A trip to see Sarla's parents.
(c) A family picnic.
(d) A trip to America.

14. What department does Siddiqui work for at the college?
(a) Chemistry.
(b) Urdu.
(c) Mathematics.
(d) Hindi.

15. What does Murad say they can afford with the funding Deven has received from the college for the tape recorder?
(a) None at all.
(b) The best of the best.
(c) One for Deven and one for Murad.
(d) The cheapest, worst model.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the registrar, Mr. Rai, tell Deven and Siddiqui regarding the annual board meeting?

2. Why does Deven refuse to listen to the recordings of Nur after the first night?

3. What does Deven suggest Siddiqui do to help him with his work with Nur?

4. Why does Jain send his nephew Chiku with Deven?

5. What does Sarla ask Deven when she overheard Jayadev telling him of the rumor going around about his trips to Delhi?

(see the answer keys)

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