In Custody: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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In Custody: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Deven live?
(a) Delhi.
(b) Mumbai.
(c) Mirpore.
(d) Pune.

2. What does Nur tell Deven about Imtiaz in Chapter 5?
(a) She first came to him as a student, but soon wanted his house, audience, and friends.
(b) She has been his muse for years.
(c) She is the greatest thing that has happened to him.
(d) She is the true poet and he is her apprentice.

3. Where does Murad want Deven to take him at the start of Chapter 1?
(a) His house for dinner.
(b) The hospital.
(c) The best restaurant in town.
(d) The dingiest bar in town.

4. What does Deven find in the bottom of his tea cup when he stops for tea after arriving in Delhi in Chapter 2?
(a) A rupee.
(b) A dead fly.
(c) A bit of food.
(d) A piece of glass.

5. What bothers Deven about the scene he enters on his second visit to Nur's in Chapter 5?
(a) He hates birthday parties.
(b) He feels like Nur does not want him there.
(c) He feels Nur should be performing and not Imtiaz.
(d) He thinks he should have been asked to recite his poetry.

6. What does Sarla hand to Deven when he returns from his walk with Manu at the end of Chapter 4?
(a) Deven poetry torn to pieces.
(b) A letter saying she is leaving him.
(c) A letter from Murad.
(d) A postcard from Nur.

7. What does Deven wonder about regarding the paper he used to clean up Nur's vomit at the end of Chapter 3?
(a) If he could have sold it to Nur's fans.
(b) If he might get sick from touching it.
(c) If it might have had Nur's poetry on it.
(d) If he should have brought it too Murad.

8. What does Deven do when Imtiaz and the old woman began to fight with Nur between them?
(a) He grabs Nur and rushes him out of the room.
(b) He yells for help.
(c) He runs away.
(d) He grabs Imtiaz and tells the old woman to run.

9. What does Deven do when he is approached by a beggar with a python around his neck?
(a) He screams and runs away.
(b) He gives the man his tea.
(c) He invites the man to lunch.
(d) He gives him a coin.

10. What excuse does Nur give his wife for not feeling well the first night Deven meets him?
(a) He says he has ulcers.
(b) He says he has not eaten much.
(c) He says it is his medication.
(d) He says he is too drunk.

11. What happens on the balcony just as Deven is about to ask Nur if he can interview him?
(a) A servant comes to give Nur a massage.
(b) Deven gets sick and has to leave.
(c) Nur falls asleep.
(d) Nur's wife demands he come back inside.

12. Why does Murad get frustrated with Deven at then end of Chapter 5 when he has come up with a solution to Deven's problem of having to keep his job at the college?
(a) Deven refuses Murad's suggestion.
(b) Deven does not understand what Murad is saying.
(c) Deven tells Murad to interview Nur himself.
(d) He feels Deven cannot think for himself.

13. In Chapter 3, what does Nur tells his friends Deven has come to do, which embarrasses Deven?
(a) He says Deven has come to serve him.
(b) He says Deven has come to massage him.
(c) He says Deven has come to speak for him.
(d) He says Deven has come to be his apprentice.

14. What fading language do Murad and Deven lament while at the restaurant in Chapter 1?
(a) Bori.
(b) Hindi.
(c) Urdu.
(d) Asur.

15. Who bought Deven the shirt he wears on the bus ride from Mirpore to Delhi to meet Nur?
(a) His in-laws.
(b) Sarla.
(c) His mother.
(d) Murad.

Short Answer Questions

1. What state does Deven find Nur in after Nur sneaked away from his friends the first night they met?

2. Who does Nur tell his servant to wake so they can sing for his guests?

3. What does the old woman who enters Nur's room while he and Imtiaz are fighting say to Imtiaz?

4. What surprising scene does Deven encounter when he arrives at Nur for his second time?

5. What does Nur ask him when he first sees Deven in Chapter 5 and Deven tells him he is there per Nur's invitation?

(see the answer keys)

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