In America Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

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In America Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ryzsard hope to accomplish aboard the ocean liner?

2. When do Ryszard and Julian leave for America?

3. Who does Ryszard meet at a bar in a brothel?

4. Where are the people in the steerage section taken?

5. What is the name of the boarder in Maryna's home who later becomes her husband?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter Four, Maryna explains that in some places, the oldest is best. However, in America she says "biggest is best." What does she mean by this? What does she see that supports her observation? Is she displeased by this?

2. Why does Maryna go to Henryk's office in Chapter One? What do we learn about her brother Stefan? What do we learn about Maryna?

3. How does Maryna relate to Henryk the family doctor in Chapter Two? What is their relationship? How does Maryna feel about him? How does she treat him?

4. As the story opens, the narrator describes the room in which people are conversing and drinking. Who are these people? How does the narrator know them?

5. The group establishes their first commune in Zakopane. What are some of the activities described in the chapter necessary to sustain their community? What do they do in the town for the local community?

6. According to her monologue at the end of Chapter One, why is Maryna ready to leave acting and try something new?

7. After her performance in Chapter One, Maryna dresses and is accompanied by Bogdan to the Hotel Saski. Why are they going to the Saski? What are they celebrating? Where is the narrator?

8. What are some of the toasts given at the celebration dinner table? To whom are they directed? What is Bogdan's toast about? Maryna's?

9. The narrator explains that she is not particularly intelligent. What else does she say about herself?

10. How does Maryna talk about the passenger who went overboard on the ship? Why does she talk so much about the incident? What are her speculations as to what happened? What are her feelings?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Maryna spends time touring in England. How is she received in England? How does she react to the English? What is the gist of the conversation she has with Henry James at the dinner party given by Lady Wolsington?

Essay Topic 2

In the opening chapter, the narrator says "the past is the biggest country of all" and expresses the wish to set stories in the past. Discuss this quote and it's relevance to the novel.

Essay Topic 3

Edwin Booth's monologue finishes the novel. He has not been a character in the book, nor does he know any of the characters in the novel except Maryna. Why has the author chosen to end the book on this note? Is there a climax to the novel, and if so, where did it take place?

(see the answer keys)

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