In America Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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In America Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When do Ryszard and Julian leave for America?
(a) Late January.
(b) Late June.
(c) Mid October.
(d) Early September.

2. What does Maryna declare at the end of Chapter One?
(a) "I am too old to be a good actress any longer."
(b) "I yearn for a better life."
(c) "I am muddleheaded and tired of acting."
(d) "I am hungry and confused."

3. What news does Tadeusz receive in Krakow?
(a) He is offered a contract at the Imperial Theatre.
(b) He is offered a major part in a Shakespearean play.
(c) He is offered the directorship of the Lwow Theatre.
(d) He is offered the position of headmaster at the school.

4. Who does the dinner conversation center around?
(a) Praise for the Polish king.
(b) Praise for Maryna's performance.
(c) Praise for Winston Churchill.
(d) Praise for the sumptuous meal.

5. What book does the young woman from Philadelphia show Ryszard?
(a) Her bible.
(b) Her baby book.
(c) Her copy of David Copperfield.
(d) Her autograph book.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Maryna's personal assistant?

2. When is the story set?

3. Who is Aniela?

4. Where is the celebration dinner party after Maryna's performance?

5. Who is Krystyna?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who does Maryna see in Bremen? What is the purpose of their meeting? How does Maryna feel at the end of the meeting?

2. On his passage to America, Ryszard spends time listening to English speaking passengers. He meets many Americans. How does he describe the American attitude about their country? How does this differ from the way Ryszard sees himself as a Pole?

3. While hiding at the celebration party, the narrator pieces together the people in the room and the subject of their discussions. What does she gather about the people in the room and the plan underway?

4. To whom does Maryna write in Chapter Four? Where is she as the letter begins? Where does she go during the course of the letter? Where is she at the end of the letter? Why does the author choose a letter narration in this chapter?

5. In Chapter Zero, from whose voice is the story told? Who is the narrator? What does the narrator reveal about herself?

6. After her performance in Chapter One, Maryna dresses and is accompanied by Bogdan to the Hotel Saski. Why are they going to the Saski? What are they celebrating? Where is the narrator?

7. In Chapter One, what scene does Maryna give Krystyna to act out? Why?

8. How does Maryna relate to Henryk the family doctor in Chapter Two? What is their relationship? How does Maryna feel about him? How does she treat him?

9. What are some of the toasts given at the celebration dinner table? To whom are they directed? What is Bogdan's toast about? Maryna's?

10. Maryna explains to Henryk why they are traveling to California by ship. What are the reasons? What is the faster way to get to California from New York? How does the trip go?

(see the answer keys)

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