In a Sunburned Country Test | Final Test - Easy

Bill Bryson
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In a Sunburned Country Test | Final Test - Easy

Bill Bryson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Bryson's tone in the last two chapters of this book?
(a) Anxious.
(b) Relieved.
(c) Wistful.
(d) Happy.

2. What are the lichen-like creatures that Bryson viewed at Sharks Bay?
(a) Stomas.
(b) Stromatolites.
(c) Blastolites.
(d) Lichentolites.

3. What famous site did Bryson and Sherwin see in the town of Daly Waters?
(a) The Australian Desert.
(b) The Great Barrier Reef.
(c) The Stuart Tree.
(d) The Queensland Prairie.

4. What did Bryson find so amazing about the town of Alice Springs?
(a) Everyone in the town is under the age of 50.
(b) There is not one gas station in the whole town.
(c) It has shopping centers and international hotels in the middle of nowhere.
(d) It has kept all its original buildings since the 1800s.

5. Who is the local journalist who told Bryson about the Myall Creek incident?
(a) Paulette Smith.
(b) Paula Jones.
(c) Pamela Hall.
(d) Patricia Smith.

6. Where was Kingsford Smith later recovered?
(a) The Great Barrier Reef.
(b) The Kimberley Coast.
(c) The Victoria Desert.
(d) The Tasmania Isles.

7. About which of the following did Bryson warn Sherwin?
(a) Deadly animal attacks.
(b) Jellyfish attacks.
(c) All of these.
(d) Saltwater crocodile attacks.

8. Who was one of Australia's most famous land owners and miners?
(a) Lawrence Henson.
(b) Lane Henderson.
(c) Lou Hardy.
(d) Lang Hancock.

9. Which of the following fascinated Bryson during his trip to Australia?
(a) Culture.
(b) History.
(c) Geography.
(d) All of these.

10. Uluru is the Aboriginal name for what famous rock formation?
(a) Aleusian Rock.
(b) Arborick Rock.
(c) Ayers Rock.
(d) Matterhorn.

11. Bryson took some time to walk around Alice Springs and saw Aborigines who were _________________.
(a) Bruised.
(b) Bandaged.
(c) All of these.
(d) In a bad way.

12. How did Bryson and Sherwin get a great view of the Great Barrier Reef?
(a) In a semi-submersible boat.
(b) With binoculars.
(c) From the ferry.
(d) From a helicopter.

13. According to Bryson, Perth has the best _________________ in Australia.
(a) Sunsets.
(b) Pubs.
(c) Botanical gardens.
(d) Hotels.

14. Echidnas and the platypus are the only members of the animal group called ______________.
(a) Webocytes.
(b) Duotremes.
(c) Monotremes.
(d) Billostocytes.

15. For what is Red Bluff Beach famous?
(a) It has amazing red sand on its shores.
(b) Two Dutch sailors were marooned here in 1629.
(c) The trees turn red at sunset.
(d) The sand is covered in red crabs.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following did Bryson see at Surfer's Paradise?

2. Which of the following happened to Aborigine children in an attempt to integrate them into white society?

3. The Australian government implemented relocation and ______________ programs for Aborigines in the 20th century.

4. What type of creature was featured in small museum Bryson stopped at on the way back to Melbourne?

5. How long have stromatolites been on earth?

(see the answer keys)

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