In a Sunburned Country Short Essay - Answer Key

Bill Bryson
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In a Sunburned Country Short Essay - Answer Key

Bill Bryson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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1. What is the irony of people not knowing much about Australia?

Bryson introduced Australia as a country about which shockingly little is known. The amount of coverage Australia receives in western press is far less than most countries in the world. This is ironic as Australia is one of the singular places in the world.

2. What makes Australia one of the world's most unique places?

Australia is home to the world's largest living thing, the Great Barrier Reef, and is the habitat of more deadly creatures than anywhere else in the world.

3. What was Bryson's former experience in Australia and what were his plans for this trip?

Bryson had only visited Australia for book tours and consequently he had never seen the "real" Australia. He planned to travel the famed Indian Pacific railroad across the continent from Sydney to Perth.

4. How did Bryson spend his first day in Sydney?

On the first day, he took a brief tour of Sydney during which he visited a local club and spent an embarrassing couple of hours attempting to boogie board at a nearby beach.

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