In a Strange Room Test | Final Test - Medium

Damon Galgut
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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In a Strange Room Test | Final Test - Medium

Damon Galgut
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was being thrown at the train that Damon and fellow travelers rode on in Part 2: The Lover?
(a) Logs.
(b) Rocks.
(c) Vegetables.
(d) Bricks.

2. Once Damon has gotten across the Tanzanian border in Part 2: The Lover, it takes him how long to travel by bus to Mbeya?
(a) 1 hour.
(b) 6 hours.
(c) 8 hours.
(d) 3 hours.

3. Karonga was established as a slaving center sometime before what year?
(a) 1866.
(b) 1844.
(c) 1851.
(d) 1877.

4. What is the capital of Chile?
(a) Tijuana.
(b) Bogata.
(c) Santiago.
(d) Lima.

5. Who tugs at Damon's fly at the hotel after his traveling companions have left Dar es Salaam in Part 2: The Lover?
(a) A prostitute.
(b) The doorman.
(c) The bartender.
(d) The maid.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is unable to use his credit card at the hotel in Dar es Salaam in Part 2: The Lover?

2. While in Zimbabwe, Damon is invited to join a group of travelers who are going where?

3. Who does Damon feel is the man who came to take his place when he must split from his traveling companions at the Malawi border in Part 2: The Lover?

4. Where does Alice ask Damon to visit, where her mother has a summer home in Part 2: The Lover?

5. What is the name of the older man whom Damon meets in an antique store in Part 2: The Lover?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is Damon invited to join on a trip to Malawi in Part Two: The Lover? How does Damon feel about this group?

2. Where is Damon when Christian, Jerome and Alice decide to stay with him for a few days in Part Two: The Lover?

3. How is the character of Charles first described when Damon meets him in Part Two: The Lover?

4. Who is the object of Damon's affections in Part Two: The Lover? How is this love unrequited?

5. How does Damon eventually get across the Tanzanian border in Part Two: The Lover?

6. Why do Damon and his group of friends travel to Kenya in Part Two: The Lover?

7. Where is Damon found traveling in the beginning of Part Two: The Lover? How has he changed?

8. What traveler from Chile joins Damon's group in Part Two: The Lover? How does Damon describe his feelings about crossing the border in this chapter?

9. How does Damon's isolation grow stronger when he is with the first traveling group in Malawi in Part Two: The Lover?

10. What prevents Damon from getting close to Jerome in their first travels together in Part Two: The Lover? Where does he go with the group after leaving Nhkata Bay?

(see the answer keys)

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