In a Strange Room Test | Final Test - Easy

Damon Galgut
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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In a Strange Room Test | Final Test - Easy

Damon Galgut
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Mbeya is the first large urban settlement encountered when traveling overland from what neighboring nation?
(a) Zimbabwe.
(b) Gabon.
(c) Zambia.
(d) Angola.

2. In the 1800s, Karonga existed as the stronghold of what famous Arab slaver?
(a) Juna.
(b) Mlozi.
(c) Kari.
(d) Serak.

3. Who invites Damon to come to Switzerland when they part at the Malawi border in Part 2: The Lover?
(a) Christian.
(b) Rodrigo.
(c) Reiner.
(d) Jerome.

4. Tanzania is located in what region of Africa?
(a) East Africa.
(b) South Africa.
(c) North Africa.
(d) West Africa.

5. When Charles and Damon part ways, Charles tries to get Damon to stay longer because he fears what in Part 2: The Lover?
(a) The Malawians.
(b) The South Africans.
(c) The Egyptians.
(d) The Kenyans.

6. Mbeya had an approximate population of what in 2005?
(a) 280,000.
(b) 660,000.
(c) 420,000.
(d) 350,000.

7. Once Damon has gotten across the Tanzanian border in Part 2: The Lover, it takes him how long to travel by bus to Mbeya?
(a) 8 hours.
(b) 6 hours.
(c) 3 hours.
(d) 1 hour.

8. After her window was broken on the train, a woman with what asked to sit next to Damon in Part 2: The Lover?
(a) A small goat.
(b) Twins.
(c) A kitten.
(d) Triplets.

9. The Victoria Falls is a waterfall located in southern Africa on what river?
(a) The Kafue River.
(b) The Nile River.
(c) The Zambezi River.
(d) The Luangwa River.

10. Damon is unable to cross the border along with his traveling companions in Malawi because he does not have what in Part 2: The Lover?
(a) A car.
(b) A translator.
(c) A visa.
(d) A driver's license.

11. What does Damon discover Charles is smuggling across the border in Part 2: The Lover?
(a) Afghan rugs.
(b) Opium.
(c) Animal skins.
(d) Hashish.

12. What is the capital of Germany?
(a) Hamburg.
(b) Moscow.
(c) Paris.
(d) Berlin.

13. Mbeya is a city in what country of Africa?
(a) Tanzania.
(b) Zimbabwe.
(c) South Africa.
(d) Mozambique.

14. What is the altitude of Mbeya?
(a) 2,200 ft.
(b) 3,700 ft.
(c) 8,600 ft.
(d) 5,500 ft.

15. How much time has passed between Part One: The Follower and Part Two: The Lover?
(a) Ten years..
(b) Sixty days.
(c) A few years.
(d) A couple months.

Short Answer Questions

1. Amsterdam is the capital of what nation?

2. In what village with all the earmarks of a shanty town did Damon, Richard and other travelers arrive by train in Part 2: The Lover?

3. Charles repeatedly calls Damon by what incorrect name in Part 2: The Lover?

4. Where do the characters of Christian and Jerome first meet?

5. How much money does Damon pay as a bribe to cross from Malawi to Tanzania in Part 2: The Lover?

(see the answer keys)

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