In a Strange Room Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

Damon Galgut
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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In a Strange Room Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

Damon Galgut
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Part One: The Follower

• In the Greek countryside, a lone traveler encounters another traveler who tells the man that he is staying in the hostel in the village.

• The narrator indicates that he is the traveler although he feels he is watching a stranger.

• Later that evening, the traveler returns to the hostel to find the man in his room; he missed the train for Athens.

• The traveler tells the man he can stay with him until the morning; the man, who is German, says his name is Reiner and the traveler is Damon, a South African.
• The next day, the two men visit some ruins and Damon tells Reiner what he knows of the legend of grief and revenge behind the ruins.

• Damon tells Reiner that he has been traveling all over Europe; Reiner tells Damon that he has come to Greece to think.

• That evening, both...

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