Impulse Test | Final Test - Easy

Ellen Hopkins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Impulse Test | Final Test - Easy

Ellen Hopkins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. .How does Vanessa feel while visiting her grandmother for Easter?
(a) Scared.
(b) At home.
(c) Worried for her brother.
(d) Like she is at a hotel.

2. How does Conner feel about his house when he goes home in Chapter Seventy-nine?
(a) It is comfortable and familiar.
(b) It is unfamiliar to him.
(c) It is cold and drafty.
(d) It is more like a hotel.

3. Which kids choose to stay at Aspen Springs for Easter.
(a) Dahlia and Vanessa.
(b) Jodi and Dahlia.
(c) Conner and Isha.
(d) Tony and Conner.

4. In Chapter 102, what does Vanessa get depressed about?
(a) High school.
(b) The challenge.
(c) Her baby.
(d) Her mother.

5. Who else is home for Easter with Vanessa, Bryan and their grandmother?
(a) Vanessa's counselor.
(b) Vanessa's grandfather.
(c) Vanessa's mother.
(d) Vanessa's father.

6. What does Ms. Littell do when Vanessa leaves class for the bathroom?
(a) Reads her poem.
(b) Reports her to the principal.
(c) Rolls her eyes.
(d) Follows her out.

7. What happened to Leona after Conner told her boyfriend about their relationship?
(a) She killed herself.
(b) She was murdered.
(c) She was forced to leave.
(d) She went to jail.

8. Why is Vanessa sick?
(a) She didn't want to share her poem.
(b) She is pregnant.
(c) Her body isn't adjusted to the prozac.
(d) Her body isn't adjusted to the lithium.

9. Why does Tony encourage Connor to sleep with Vanessa?
(a) So Tony can see who Vanessa really likes.
(b) So Vanessa will stop following Tony around.
(c) So Tony can be straight.
(d) So Conner can answer questions about his sexuality.

10. How does Conner behave on the way to wilderness camp?
(a) Scared and jumpy.
(b) Distant and cold.
(c) Crazy and uncontrollable.
(d) Sad and angry.

11. In Chapter Fifty-six, who is Tony testing?
(a) Conner.
(b) Vanessa.
(c) Dahlia.
(d) Dr. Boston.

12. What is surprising about the church the kids go to on Easter?
(a) Emily and her husband are in attendance.
(b) It is the same one Conner's family attends.
(c) It is where Phillip was buried.
(d) It is closed for the holiday.

13. In Chapter Fifty-eight, what does Conner do to Vanessa on the way to class?
(a) Touches the back of her neck.
(b) Pushes her through the hallway.
(c) Ties her shoes for her.
(d) Runs his hand over her back.

14. In Chapter Fifty-five, what does Conner ask Tony about?
(a) His father.
(b) His sexuality.
(c) Phillip.
(d) What level he is on.

15. Who does Vanessa believe she is in love with?
(a) Sean.
(b) Conner.
(c) Paul.
(d) Tony.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Tony think Vanessa will write about?

2. How did Tony kill Larry?

3. In Chapter Ninety-six, what does Tony do before he crosses the bridge?

4. What does Vanessa believe will stop her from cutting?

5. Who does Conner see at the movies?

(see the answer keys)

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