Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who is the nurse Darisse realizes she might be interested in romatically?
2. What does Darisse do the morning after Claude failed to show up at the bar in Chapter 3?
3. Which patient of Darisse's has advanced lung cancer?
4. What does Kiki give to Reyna when Oliver is born?
5. What do Darisse, Frances, and Jeshauna do one weekend when Darisse has Jeshauna?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why does Sally tell Teddy she is breaking off their affair?
2. In the midst of Hurricane Sandy, what does Reyna's father call her and ask her to do?
3. What does Kiki eventually tell Reyna was the reason she left Osman, and their marriage, in Turkey?
4. What does Reyna think when she sees the women on the bus to Rikers Island doing their hair and makeup?
5. Why does Kiki's Turkish boyfriend, who later becomes her husband, stop selling carpets?
6. What does Darisse do to try to win back Lionel's favor when he is upset with her?
7. What does Kiki's Turkish boyfriend decide to do when he stops selling carpets?
8. Why is Darisse unable to have custody of her two year-old daughter, Jeshauna?
9. What does Teddy apologize to Sally for ruining as part of his rehab for his alcoholism?
10. What was the main reason that Teddy and Sally got divorced?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Why does Reyna want to know so much about Kiki's history, particularly about Kiki's marriage to Osman? Write an essay explaining your answer.
Essay Topic 2
How does Teddy seem to view his own role in Claude's fatal accident, and what are Teddy's feelings about luck, fate, and chance that come to the surface after Claude crashes his car into Teddy's truck on the highway? Write an essay explaining your answer, citing specific references to the text.
Essay Topic 3
Of all the sections in the book, why do you think Silber chooses to write only Reyna's sections from the first-person point of view? Write an essay explaining your answer.
This section contains 701 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |