The Importance of Being Earnest Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Importance of Being Earnest Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Algernon eating at the end of the Act?
(a) Muffins
(b) Pate sandwiches
(c) Sardines
(d) Cake

2. What lunch has Jack traditionally been enjoying of late?
(a) roast beef and lager
(b) tea and cucumber sandwiches
(c) water and biscuits
(d) pate sandwiches and champagne

3. Immediately after proposing to Cecily, who does Algernon seek out?
(a) Lady Bracknell
(b) Chasuble
(c) Jack
(d) Miss Prism

4. Which of the following is not an aspect of Algernon's character that Jack assails when he tells him to leave the manner
(a) His style of dress
(b) His conduct
(c) His vanity
(d) His appetite

5. Which two words do Miss Prism and Cecily confuse as they talk about Jack and his "brother"?
(a) great and grate
(b) night and knight
(c) dirth and death
(d) sow and sew

6. What attribute of Ernest does Cecily love?
(a) His name
(b) All of the above
(c) His hair
(d) His taste

7. Upon finding out the Cecily is Mr. Worthing's ward, how old does Gwendolen wish Cecily was?
(a) Sixteen
(b) Eight
(c) Sixty
(d) Forty-two

8. Why does Algernon suggest Jack not get christened?
(a) It is blashpemous
(b) The name "Jack" suits him
(c) It is tedious
(d) He might get a chill

9. What does Chasuble quote in Act III as proof of a religious revival?
(a) The Beggar's Opera
(b) The Times of London
(c) The previous year's Almanack
(d) The Confessions of St. Augustine

10. Why did Cecily and Ernest break off their first engagement?
(a) She danced with another man
(b) He left for Australia
(c) He danced with another woman
(d) She was too young

11. What adjective does Cecily use to describe the name Algernon?
(a) Quixotic
(b) Feminine
(c) Aristocratic
(d) Idiotic

12. Why is Miss Prism concerned by Chasuble's being in the vestry?
(a) It is very lonely
(b) It is very dry
(c) It is very hot
(d) It is very damp

13. According to Grigsby, who generally pays outstanding debts for the debtor?
(a) A creditor
(b) Their relations
(c) The Church
(d) Their spouse

14. What, according to Miss Prism, does Socialism lead to?
(a) Rational dress for women
(b) Vulgar literature
(c) Rioting
(d) Dissolution of the family

15. About whom has Algernon - as Ernest - been talking to Cecily?
(a) Miss Prism
(b) Lady Bracknell
(c) Jack
(d) Bunbury

Short Answer Questions

1. What ailment does Cecily claim Miss prism has?

2. Why will Cecily not allow Algernon to read her diary?

3. What workman's item does Gwendolen claim never to have seen?

4. How many counties can one see from the hills of around the manor?

5. How does Jack feel about affection?

(see the answer keys)

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