Immortal in Death Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Immortal in Death Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Roarke think is both dangerous and interested in Eve romantically?
(a) Casto.
(b) Feeney.
(c) Leonardo.
(d) Paul Redford.

2. What tip does Eve get about Pandora's drug source while getting her makeover?
(a) The source frequents the Zigzag Club.
(b) The source is female.
(c) The source is one of Pandora's relatives.
(d) Pandora made intergalactic palm link calls to the source.

3. When Eve shows up to stakeout the place she thinks Jerry Fitzgerald will go after her release from jail, who is hiding in the bushes with Peabody?
(a) Casto.
(b) Leonardo.
(c) Paul Redford.
(d) Feeney.

4. Which of the following people do not attend the girls' bachelor party held for Eve?
(a) Summerset.
(b) Peabody.
(c) Mavis and Trina.
(d) Nadine Furst and Dr. Mira.

5. Which of the following statements is not something Crack tells Eve about Boomer's last time in his club?
(a) Boomer was there with a woman named Hetta Moppett.
(b) Boomer was there with Mavis.
(c) Boomer talked about having full pockets, i.e. money.
(d) Boomer seemed afraid.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 18, who does Justin Young agree to testify against in exchange for a deal from the cops?

2. What new color does Trina tell Mavis she has for hair?

3. While at the florists with Roarke to select the flowers for her wedding, what information does Eve ask the florist to divulge?

4. Where does Eve send Jerry Fitzgerald in lieu of sending her to jail?

5. Which East End club does Eve visit at the beginning of Chapter 11?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens between Peabody and Casto in Chapter 13 and what does Eve think of the change in her coworkers' relationship?

2. What clears Mavis of murder charges in Chapter 16?

3. Why does Eve agree to a makeover?

4. What happens to Eve when she goes to the restroom to check on Peabody during her bachelorette party in Chapter 20?

5. Why does Eve think she should be arrested for murder in Chapter 13 and what does Dr. Mira help her to realize about the killing that so distresses her?

6. Why does Casto want Jerry charged with Pandora's murder?

7. Why is Eve suspicious of Paul Redford and desirous of interrogating him a second time in Chapter 14?

8. What does Eve learn in Chapter 15 about Paul Redford's involvement with the drug Immortality?

9. How is Eve able to fight off Pandora's killer and keep from becoming another of his victims after being drugged?

10. Describe how Eve interrogates the three suspects who were at Pandora's house on the night of Pandora's murder.

(see the answer keys)

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