The Imaginary Invalid Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Imaginary Invalid Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Beline refer to Argan's illnesses?
(a) As worrisome.
(b) As endless.
(c) As necessarry.
(d) As heartbreaking.

2. Who is hiding when Angelique discovers her father in his chair?
(a) Beralde.
(b) Beline.
(c) Toinette.
(d) Cleante.

3. What is the announced profession of the visitor that arrives after Mr. Purgon leaves?
(a) A music teacher.
(b) A doctor.
(c) A gypsy.
(d) An apothacary.

4. Who says, "Oh my dear Mistress, such a disaster"?
(a) Beralde.
(b) Louison.
(c) Toinette.
(d) Angelique.

5. What does Angelique say would bring happiness to everyone?
(a) If she could bring Argan back to life.
(b) If she married Cleante.
(c) If Beline was disinherited.
(d) If Toinette would stop crying.

6. Who says, "Don't talk such drivel"?
(a) Argan.
(b) Beralde.
(c) Toinette.
(d) Angelique.

7. Who states that taking pulses is what all doctors do?
(a) Beralde.
(b) Argan.
(c) Toinette.
(d) The new doctor.

8. Who asks the new doctor his age?
(a) Argan.
(b) Beralde.
(c) Beline.
(d) Toinette.

9. How does Toinette describe Argan to Angelique?
(a) As a hypochandriac.
(b) As wealthy old codger.
(c) As a poor dear loving father.
(d) As a foolish old man.

10. What does Beralde believe all achievements require?
(a) An ordeal.
(b) A substantial payment.
(c) A strong imagination.
(d) An inner wisdom.

11. In Act 3, Scene 16, to prove Beline's love, what does Toinette ask Argan to pretend?
(a) To be dead.
(b) To be healthy.
(c) To hate Beline.
(d) To be a music teacher.

12. In Act 3, Scene 21, whom does Toinette announce has appeared in the doorway?
(a) Beline.
(b) Beralde.
(c) Cleante.
(d) Louison.

13. How old does Argan think the new doctor is?
(a) As old as Argan.
(b) As old as Angelique.
(c) As old as Toinette.
(d) As old as dirt.

14. Whom does the new doctor leave to speak to?
(a) Toinette.
(b) His coachman.
(c) His apothacary.
(d) Thomas Diaforus.

15. What enrages Beralde even more than Argan's imaginary illnesses?
(a) Toinette's insolence to her master.
(b) Argan's blindness towards his wife.
(c) The incompetence of doctors.
(d) Argan's flaunting of his wealth.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom does Toinette say works a miracle?

2. In Act 3, Scene 13, whom does Toinette say to the new doctor that he will find waiting inside?

3. Who says, "Et, quod erat demonstratum"?

4. What is Argan glad to have learned about Beline?

5. Where does Toinette say the new doctor is from?

(see the answer keys)

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