I'm with the Band Test | Final Test - Medium

Pamela Des Barres
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 94 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I'm with the Band Test | Final Test - Medium

Pamela Des Barres
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 94 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Pamela bump into in the Troubador ladies' room?
(a) Bob Dylan.
(b) Paul McCartney.
(c) Gail Zappa.
(d) Patti Boyd.

2. What does Pam make to help Donnie pay his rent?
(a) Necklaces.
(b) Music.
(c) Photography books.
(d) Shirts.

3. What bores Pamela about Lance Caudell?
(a) His conversation.
(b) His guitar playing.
(c) His jokes.
(d) His silences.

4. What country does Michael live in?
(a) France.
(b) England.
(c) Germany.
(d) USA.

5. What country does Led Zepplin tour in October?
(a) Germany.
(b) England.
(c) Japan.
(d) America.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Pam and Renee sell when they run out of money?

2. What does Donnie Wayne Johnson do for a career?

3. What does Jimmy Webb help Pam to do at the airport?

4. What does Pam give Paul McCartney for a present?

5. What is the only possession Michael takes with him to LA?

Short Essay Questions

1. In what way is Lane Caudell the opposite of Pam's usual taste in men?

2. How is Pam able to skip customs at the airport?

3. How do Pam and her friend Renee earn money to travel?

4. What bad news does Pam hear in Chapter 5?

5. Who becomes Pam's new obsession?

6. What does Keith Moon confess to Pamela?

7. Describe Pam's job at Danceland.

8. How has the relationship between the GTOs worsened?

9. Why does Pam begin to feel trapped in her relationship with Donnie?

10. Why does Pam go to Kentucky to visit her aunt?

(see the answer keys)

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