I'm with the Band Test | Final Test - Easy

Pamela Des Barres
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 94 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I'm with the Band Test | Final Test - Easy

Pamela Des Barres
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 94 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose advances does Pamela turn down in Chapter 6?
(a) Waylon Jenning's.
(b) Mick Jagger's.
(c) Robert Plant's.
(d) Elvis Presley's.

2. What does Michael Des Barres say is his father's title?
(a) Lord.
(b) Marquis.
(c) Prince.
(d) Duke.

3. Who does Patti say she wants to meet at the Jennings gig?
(a) Bob Dylan.
(b) Johhny Cash.
(c) George Harrison.
(d) Willie Nelson.

4. With whom does Chris Hillman form a new Band?
(a) David Crosby.
(b) Pete Townsend.
(c) Stephen Stills.
(d) Neil Young.

5. What is the name of Pamela's new boyfriend?
(a) Tom.
(b) Marty.
(c) Phil.
(d) Jack.

6. In what city does Jim Morrison die?
(a) Berlin.
(b) Paris.
(c) Los Angeles.
(d) London.

7. Who is Pamela waiting to call her at the beginning of Chapter 6?
(a) Gram Parsons.
(b) Chris Hillman.
(c) Mick Jagger.
(d) Jimmy Page.

8. Why is Donnie depressed?
(a) He is stuck at home.
(b) He misses his family.
(c) He can't get acting roles.
(d) His father has died.

9. What is the name of Mick's new girlfriend?
(a) Beatrice.
(b) Jerry.
(c) Janice.
(d) Bianca.

10. Where does Brando say Pam can find all her answers?
(a) With her parents.
(b) In herself.
(c) With him.
(d) India.

11. What kind of man does Pam say she is looking for?
(a) A musician.
(b) A priest.
(c) Mr. Right.
(d) Mr. Muscles.

12. Who does Pamela dine with on February the 7th?
(a) George Martin.
(b) Paul McCartney.
(c) Woody Allen.
(d) Lenny Bruce.

13. Who does Pam end up marrying?
(a) Jimmy Page.
(b) Chris Hillman.
(c) Michael Des Barres.
(d) Don Johnson.

14. What does Pam think of her dancing partners as?
(a) Rock stars.
(b) Patients.
(c) Losers.
(d) Leeches.

15. How is Chuck Wein also known?
(a) The Imp.
(b) The Cherub.
(c) The Lottery.
(d) The Wizard.

Short Answer Questions

1. What country is Pam leaving for at the end of Chapter 6?

2. In what part of England does Noel Redding live?

3. In what band is Michael Des Barres a member?

4. What is the name of the fourth Beatle?

5. Who is the third Beatle?

(see the answer keys)

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