I'm with the Band Multiple Choice Test Questions

Pamela Des Barres
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 94 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I'm with the Band Multiple Choice Test Questions

Pamela Des Barres
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 94 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Chapter 1, Let Me Put It In It Feels All Right

1. What does Pamela say she lives with attached to her ear?
(a) A Walkman.
(b) Earrings.
(c) A hearing aid.
(d) A radio.

2. What does Pamela say she wants to stop wasting money on?
(a) Records.
(b) Books.
(c) Clothes.
(d) Trash.

3. What kind of language does Pamela say she wants to discard?
(a) Posh.
(b) Vulgar.
(c) Slang.
(d) Childish.

4. Whose concert does Pamela attend in August?
(a) The Beach Boys.
(b) The Beatles.
(c) The Byrds.
(d) The Rolling Stones.

5. Where does Pamela travel to to meet the Beatles?
(a) Bel Air.
(b) Hollywood.
(c) Berkeley.
(d) New York.

6. What is the name of Jerry Lewis' son Pamela befriends?
(a) Johnny,
(b) Freddie.
(c) Ronnie.
(d) Davie.

7. Where do Pamela and her friends hide to get a sight of the Beatles?
(a) The long grass.
(b) A tree.
(c) A car.
(d) A bush.

8. What Beatle does Pamela see in the limo?
(a) George Harrison.
(b) John Lennon.
(c) Ringo Starr.
(d) Paul McCartney.

9. Why is Victor Hayden in trouble at school?
(a) He has been caught smoking.
(b) His hair is too long.
(c) He wears an earring.
(d) He has been caught dealing.

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