I'm a Stranger Here Myself: Notes on Returning to America After Twenty Years Away Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Bill Bryson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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I'm a Stranger Here Myself: Notes on Returning to America After Twenty Years Away Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Bill Bryson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the I'm a Stranger Here Myself: Notes on Returning to America After Twenty Years Away Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Great Indoors, Death Watch, In Praise of Diners, Shopping Madness, The Fat of the Land, Your New Computer, How to Rent a Car, The Wasteland, The Flying Nightmare and Enough Already.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bryson say the reason might be for being bewildered with modern television?
(a) He cannot follow the plot lines of the cop shows.
(b) His eyesight and hearing are failing.
(c) In the America of his youth, and in England, there were only 4 channels.
(d) His kids like to watch a lot of shows that are just junk.

2. After living in Britain for twenty years, what does Bill find refreshingly different about the United States?
(a) The government.
(b) The fashions.
(c) The informality.
(d) The weather.

3. In "The Numbers Game," what does Bill say is beyond the comprehension of everyone?
(a) How tax money is spent.
(b) How much money huge sums really represent.
(c) How the government manages to get anything done.
(d) Why government workers get so many holidays.

4. What is Bryson astonished to find on his plane on a flight from Boston to Denver?
(a) An inflated dinghy.
(b) Am armed guard.
(c) An entire hockey team.
(d) A chimpanzee.

5. What does Bryson mean by the "wasteland"?
(a) Commercials.
(b) News programming.
(c) The huge variety of television programs available.
(d) Canadian comedy shows.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which American business name mystifies Bryson?

2. Although the GDP is seen as a positive in economic terms, how does Bill say it can be negative?

3. According to Bryson, what does the Travel Industry Association of America say about shopping?

4. What disappeared in the north woods of New Hampshire in 1996 and was never found?

5. Why did Bill decide to write "Friendly People?"

(see the answer key)

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