I'll Give You the Sun Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jandy Nelson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I'll Give You the Sun Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jandy Nelson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Noah’s mom quote from Picasso in Chapter One?
(a) “I was bullied in high school too” (11).
(b) “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once one grows up” (11).
(c) “Kids suck” (11).
(d) “Paint weird” (11).

2. What does Noah think about when he hears his mom and dad yelling in Chapter One?
(a) A picture of his mom and dad as toddlers fighting.
(b) A drawing of his mom and dad with tea kettles for heads.
(c) A picture of his mom and dad strangling one another.
(d) A picture of his mom and dad on their wedding day gazing lovingly into one another’s eyes.

3. Why do the bullies let Noah go in Chapter One?
(a) Because they want Noah to draw them
(b) Because they do not want to hurt Noah.
(c) Because Noah gets an erection that presses into Zephyr and Zephyr tells Fry they should go.
(d) Because they like Jude.

4. What is the title of Jude’s piece at art critique in Chapter Two?
(a) “Shattered” (26).
(b) “The pieces of my heart I left behind” (26).
(c) “Broken Me-Blob No. 8” (26).
(d) “Tattered” (26).

5. How does Noah think of himself and Jude as said in Chapter One?
(a) Fated to fall apart.
(b) Only complete together.
(c) Only complete when separate.
(d) Bound by a thread of destiny.

6. What does Jude begin sculpting instead of her mother in Chapter Three?
(a) NoahandJude.
(b) Jude and her mom.
(c) Noah and her mom.
(d) Oscar.

7. What does Jude say fog has inside it to Sandy in Chapter Two?
(a) Depression.
(b) A pirate’s ship coming in from lost islands.
(c) The ghosts of restless spirits from the dead.
(d) The ghost of her mother.

8. What does Guillermo say to Jude when she meets him in Chapter Two?
(a) To be his student.
(b) To save him from his demons.
(c) To leave and never come back.
(d) To find a more responsible mentor.

9. How does Noah say he draws Jude in Chapter One?
(a) With green eyes and red hair.
(b) With long blond hair that tangles up everything around it.
(c) With lots of boys around her.
(d) With long black hair that swallows the world.

10. What is Jude mother’s book on Frida Kahlo and Diego Riveria titled as said in Chapter Three?
(a) My Heart, My Heart.
(b) True Love's Kiss.
(c) Count the Ways after an Elizabeth Barrett Browning poem.
(d) The Fated Embrace.

11. What tattoo does Jude have on her stomach as said in Chapter Three?
(a) Cherubs drawn by Raphael.
(b) Ninja Turtles.
(c) Little blue bells.
(d) Cherubs drawn by Michelangelo.

12. Why had Jude stopped going to museums with Noah and their mom as said in Chapter Three?
(a) Because she wants to find new hobbies.
(b) Because she is not a good artist.
(c) Because they had once left her behind at a museum.
(d) Because the dust irritates her allergies.

13. What does Jude do to ward away feelings towards Oscar in Chapter Three?
(a) Give him an orange.
(b) Suck on an orange.
(c) Give him a lemon.
(d) Suck on a lemon.

14. What does Jude look at in Sandy’s office in Chapter Two?
(a) Sandy’s picture with sculpture artist Guillermo.
(b) Sandy’s print of David’s Michelangelo.
(c) A picture of her mother as an art critique.
(d) The ghost of her mother hovering behind Sandy’s shoulder.

15. What painting in Guillermo’s studio in Chapter Three catches Jude’s attention?
(a) A painting of an angel.
(b) A painting of two men embracing.
(c) A painting of a man crawling out of a woman’s stomach.
(d) A painting of a kiss.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the boy across the street throw Noah in Chapter Three?

2. What happens when Fry and Bighead ambush Noah and Brian in Chapter Three?

3. Who has Noah been drawing in his sketchbook as said in Chapter One?

4. Who does Jude meet outside Guillermo’s studio at the end of Chapter Three?

5. What do Noah and Jude realize by the end of Chapter One?

(see the answer keys)

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