I'll Give You the Sun Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Jandy Nelson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I'll Give You the Sun Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Jandy Nelson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter Six.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jude tell Guillermo to convince him to take her as a student in Chapter Three?
(a) That she is a twin.
(b) That she is clairvoyant.
(c) That she has to do this to stop her mother from haunting her.
(d) That she is her lost daughter.

2. What does Jude find online about Brian Conelly in Chapter Six?
(a) That he has come out publicly as gay and is going to Stanford.
(b) That he has been the first boy to the moon.
(c) That he has disappeared.
(d) That he has started a new life.

3. What does Guillermo tell Jude about Oscar in Chapter Three?
(a) That he is Guillermo’s favorite person.
(b) That he is Guillermo’s true muse.
(c) That he is like his heart, but he would not let his daughter near him if he had a daughter.
(d) That he is his worst enemy.

4. Who does Noah and Jude’s mom say visited her in the car in Chapter One?
(a) Grandpa Sweetwine.
(b) Grandma Sweetwine.
(c) Michaelangelo.
(d) Frida Kahlo.

5. How does Guillermo see Jude when she returns to his studio in Chapter Three?
(a) She walks in the door.
(b) She takes off her invisibility charms.
(c) Perched at the top of the fire escape.
(d) She vanishes on the spot before he can see her.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Guillermo’s letter that Jude finds in Chapter Six say?

2. What does the English guy try to do with Jude in Chapter Two?

3. How does Guillermo say Oscar’s name as said in Chapter Three?

4. What does Guillermo say to Jude when she meets him in Chapter Two?

5. What are Jude’s Flying Women, as said in Chapter One?

(see the answer key)

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