The Iliad Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Iliad Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Patroclus has been avenged, who appears to Achilles in a dream to remind him of his fate?
(a) Nestor.
(b) Patroclus.
(c) Hector.
(d) Apollo.

2. Who wins the spear throwing event in the Funeral Games?
(a) Odysseus.
(b) Diomedes.
(c) Agamemnon.
(d) Ajax.

3. Patroclus wears what that belongs to Achilles?
(a) His armor.
(b) His clothing.
(c) His crown.
(d) His helmet.

4. Why does Menelaus think Achilles will not come to fight?
(a) Because Achilles doesn't like Agamemnon.
(b) Because Achilles has no armor.
(c) Because Achilles swore not to fight.
(d) Because Achilles is in mourning for Patroclus.

5. Who is sent as a messenger to tell Achilles the gods are angry with him for the continued humiliation of Hector's body?
(a) Thetis.
(b) Athena.
(c) Hera.
(d) Iris.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Hera's messenger to Achilles?

2. What gates of Troy will Paris and Apollo be waiting for Achilles at, according to Hector?

3. What goddess gives the horses a voice?

4. What does Xanthos promise Achilles?

5. What do the Trojans do to the Greek ships after Hector has had strength breathed into him by a god?

Short Essay Questions

1. What arguments develop upon Patroclus' death?

2. What causes Achilles' new understanding of suffering in Book 24?

3. Why does Zeus let his attention drift from the battlefield?

4. Why is Achilles' mother sad when she speaks to Achilles after Patroclus' death?

5. When Hector returns to the fighting after being advised by Poulydamas, what does Ajax say and what sign does Hector dismiss?

6. What god does Achilles make angry in Book 21, and what does the god do in retaliation?

7. What is Agamemnon's state of mind in Book 14, and what is his suggestion?

8. What does Thetis tell Achilles when she is sent with a message from the gods?

9. In Book 15, while the gods are being informed of Zeus' plan, what are the Trojans and the Greeks doing?

10. What are the gods doing in Book 21 while the mortals are fighting a battle?

(see the answer keys)

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