The Iliad Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Iliad Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who prophesies that the Greeks will win the war against the Trojans in ten years?
(a) Zeus.
(b) Odysseus.
(c) Agamemnon.
(d) Kalchas.

2. What do the Greek spies do with the Trojan spy's information?
(a) Find the Thacrian camp and take prisoners to get more information
(b) Go back to their camp and make a plan
(c) Find the Thacrian camp and kill everyone they can
(d) Go back to their camp and do nothing

3. What does Paris promise to Hector when Hector finds him after the Trojans retreat to the city?
(a) To return to the fighting.
(b) To prevent Hector's son from dying.
(c) To keep Hector's son safe.
(d) To direct the fighting from the walls.

4. Who does Zeus send down to the Greeks to stir up the battle?
(a) Athena.
(b) Ares.
(c) Lust.
(d) Hate.

5. What is the challenge Paris issues to the Greeks on the battlefield?
(a) For any Greek warrior to steal Helen from him.
(b) For any Greek warrior to fight him in man-to-man combat.
(c) For any Greek warrior to kill him with an arrow.
(d) For the Greeks to reclaim Helen.

6. Who joins forces with the Greeks to even the odds against Ares?
(a) Apollo and Athena.
(b) Hera and Aphrodite.
(c) Hera and Athena.
(d) Aphrodite and Apollo.

7. Who does Thetis appeal to in order to regain honor to Achilles?
(a) Zeus.
(b) Agamemnon.
(c) Odysseus.
(d) Hera.

8. What does Patroclus do for the wound of Eurypylos?
(a) Washes it, stops the flow of blood, gives bitter root to ease the pain, and bandages it.
(b) Washes it, stops the flow of blood, and gives bitter root to ease the pain.
(c) Washes it, gives bitter root to ease the pain, and bandages it.
(d) Washes it, stops the flow of blood, and bandages it.

9. What promise does Zeus get from Hera?
(a) That she cannot protest if Zeus destroys a city that holds men dear to her.
(b) That she cannot protest if Zeus destroys a city where there is a temple to her.
(c) That she cannot protest if Zeus helps the other side.
(d) That she cannot protest if Zeus assures Helen's safety.

10. After Zeus and Hera come to an agreement on Mount Olympus, who is sent to stir the men up to battle?
(a) Apollo.
(b) Athena.
(c) Poseidon.
(d) Ares.

11. Who is Zeus' wife?
(a) Hera.
(b) Thetis.
(c) Artemis.
(d) Helen.

12. Where did Hector's wife go to see if she can find him?
(a) The town square.
(b) The gardens.
(c) The city walls.
(d) The palace.

13. Who does Achilles send to get information on the war?
(a) Phoenix.
(b) Patroclus.
(c) Nestor.
(d) No one.

14. Who speaks to the Greek soldiers to convince them to stay and fight when Agamemnon is telling them to go home?
(a) Odysseus.
(b) Nestor.
(c) Hera.
(d) Agamemnon.

15. Who goes and spies on the Trojan camp?
(a) Diomedes.
(b) Odysseus and Menelaus.
(c) Diomedes and Odysseus.
(d) Menelaus and Diomedes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is one of Achilles' possible destinies?

2. What does Poulydamas suggest to Hector?

3. Which god or goddess protects Paris during the challenge that he issued to the Greeks on the battlefield?

4. Who are the two beautiful women that are captured as war prizes?

5. What is Helen weaving when she is visited by a divine messenger?

(see the answer keys)

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