The Iliad Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Iliad Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 23.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Ajax wounds Hector with what?
(a) A sword.
(b) A spear.
(c) An arrow.
(d) A large stone.

2. What does Achilles tell his mother he is going to do in response to Patroclus' death?
(a) Avenge Patroclus and kill Hector.
(b) Enter the fighting because he should have been there
(c) Enter the fighting to end the war.
(d) Avenge Patroclus and kill the Trojans.

3. After Zeus sends the goddess of Hate down to the Greeks, what does he send Iris to tell Hector?
(a) To pull back until Agamemnon asks to talk to Hector.
(b) To pull back until Agamemnon is wounded.
(c) To pull back until Agamemnon is dead.
(d) To pull back until the morning.

4. After Agamemnon offers gifts in repentance to Achilles, where does Achilles tell Agamemnon their attention should be?
(a) On killing the Trojans.
(b) On winning the war.
(c) On recoving Helen.
(d) On not losing the war.

5. Who kills Adrestos?
(a) Adrestos doesn't die.
(b) Odysseus.
(c) Menelaus.
(d) Agamemnon.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who helps Diomedes when he is injured by Pandaros?

2. What is the response of the god to Hera's request for him to help the Greeks?

3. What does Paris promise to Hector when Hector finds him after the Trojans retreat to the city?

4. Agamemnon is confident that what?

5. Patroclus leaves Eurypylos to go to whom?

(see the answer key)

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