The Iliad Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Iliad Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 14.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What advice does Zeus let Athena give to the Greeks after she promises not to interfere?
(a) Give advice to the Greeks to maximize their victory.
(b) Give advice to the Greeks on their retreat.
(c) Give advice to the Greeks to retrieve Helen.
(d) Give advice to the Greeks to minimize their losses.

2. How do Diomedes and Glaukos seal their friendship?
(a) By trading armor.
(b) By praying together to the gods.
(c) By trading horses.
(d) By trading swords.

3. What does Zeus forbid the other gods to do after he tells them his plan?
(a) From visiting the mortals on either side.
(b) From accepting sacrifices from the mortals on either side.
(c) From talking about his plans to the mortals on either side.
(d) From helping the mortals on either side.

4. Where did Hector's wife go to see if she can find him?
(a) The palace.
(b) The city walls.
(c) The gardens.
(d) The town square.

5. Who does Zeus send down to the Greeks to stir up the battle?
(a) Hate.
(b) Athena.
(c) Lust.
(d) Ares.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where has Eurypylos been wounded

2. After Zeus sends the goddess of Hate down to the Greeks, what does he send Iris to tell Hector?

3. Who suggests that Odysseus, Diomedes, and Agamemnon go to the battlefield to be seen and not fight?

4. Why does Hector chastise Paris when he finds Paris with the troops and not preparing to meet his challenger from the Greek army?

5. What prevents Diomedes from killing Glaukos?

(see the answer key)

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