Il Giorno Della Civetta Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Il Giorno Della Civetta Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the characters at the beginning of Section 9 say Marchica must claim to have happened to cause him to confess to murder?
(a) Say he was tortured.
(b) Say police made it up.
(c) Say he lied.
(d) Say he was kidding.

2. Where does the high-ranking minister receive a call from at the beginning of Section 8?
(a) Rome.
(b) Genoa.
(c) Venice.
(d) Parma.

3. What does the don say the man claiming he used corrupt building contracts has done to pay him back at the end of Section 9?
(a) Stabbed him in the back.
(b) Helped him.
(c) Made fun of him.
(d) Laughed at him.

4. According to the first confession the police hear in Section 7, who does Pizzuco run into after the murder?
(a) Passerello.
(b) Guiseppe Colasberna.
(c) Paolo Nicolosi.
(d) Mrs. Nicolosi.

5. Who do the two men having a phone conversation at the beginning of Section 8 become annoyed at because of their sudden rise in power?
(a) Captain Bellodi.
(b) Diego Marchica.
(c) Saro Pizzuco.
(d) Don Arena.

Short Answer Questions

1. What occupation does the man Captain Bellodi meets in Section 8 have?

2. Who approaches Captain Bellodi when he returns to the station after finding Nicolosi's body?

3. According to the first confession the police hear in Section 7, who disposes of the murder weapon?

4. Whose confession does the Captain show the don during an interrogation in Section 9?

5. How does Marchica react after reading the confession the police hand him in Section 6?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the nature of Marchica and Pizzuco's testimonies in Section 10?

2. What does the captain say to Marchica while he watches Pizzuco being interrogated?

3. Why do the police arrest Marchica before the other suspects in Section 6?

4. How does Marchica react when the police show him a confession in Section 6?

5. How does Pizzuco claim Marchica fooled him into helping him get away with murder?

6. What happens when a woman named Livia invites the captain and his friend to her house in Parma?

7. How does the author say Marchica feels about going to prison in Section 7?

8. What does Marchica claim was the reason Pizzuco asked to have Salvatore killed?

9. What is the nature of the confession the police show to Marchica in Section 6?

10. What are the two men talking at the beginning of Section 9 worried about?

(see the answer keys)

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