Il Giorno Della Civetta Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Il Giorno Della Civetta Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of projects does the Captain point out that the don has been involved with at the end of Section 9?
(a) Building.
(b) Legal.
(c) Scientific.
(d) Political.

2. How do the girls Captain Bellodi tells a story about the mafia to in Section 10 feel about the story?
(a) They think it is sad.
(b) They find it juicy and exciting.
(c) They become angry.
(d) They find it boring.

3. What occupation does the man Captain Bellodi meets in Section 8 have?
(a) A teacher.
(b) A farmer.
(c) A government official.
(d) A cook.

4. Who helps the police retrieve Nicolosi's body in the book?
(a) Marchica.
(b) A farmer.
(c) A peasant.
(d) A priest.

5. What does the don say the man claiming he used corrupt building contracts has done to pay him back at the end of Section 9?
(a) Made fun of him.
(b) Helped him.
(c) Stabbed him in the back.
(d) Laughed at him.

6. According to the first confession the police hear in Section 7, who offers Marchica money for Colasberna's murder?
(a) Paolo Nicolosi.
(b) Mrs. Nicolosi.
(c) Don Arena.
(d) Saro Pizzuco.

7. Who does the Captain use as an example when trying to prove the don used corrupt building contracts in Section 9?
(a) Ciccio La Rosa.
(b) Mr. Fazello.
(c) Salvatore Colasberna.
(d) Paolo Nicolosi.

8. Where does Captain Bellodi tell some girls that most mafia bosses would stay while they were in jail in Section 10?
(a) The warden's office.
(b) In general population.
(c) The infirmary.
(d) Their cells.

9. Who does the Captain mention during his interrogation of the don that makes him angry?
(a) His priest.
(b) His mother.
(c) His wife.
(d) His daughter.

10. What do the confessions the police obtain insinuate Colasberna did to cause him to be murdered?
(a) Insulted Pizzuco.
(b) Wouldn't pay the mafia.
(c) Wouldn't quit his job.
(d) Insulted the don.

11. How does Captain Bellodi react after the girls tell him what they think of his story about the mafia in Section 10?
(a) Sad.
(b) Happy.
(c) Angry.
(d) Excited.

12. Where is Nicolosi's body discovered in the book?
(a) Buried in a hole.
(b) Behind the altar.
(c) On the street.
(d) Deep down in a cleft in the earth.

13. Who is eventually charged with Nicolosi's murder in Section 10?
(a) Saro Pizzuco.
(b) Ciccio La Rosa.
(c) Diego Marchica.
(d) Mrs. Nicolosi and her lover.

14. According to the second confession the police hear in Section 7, what was Colasberna offering Pizzuco?
(a) Money.
(b) Business advice.
(c) Marriage advice.
(d) An alibi.

15. Who writes a full confession at the beginning of Section 7?
(a) Minister Mancusi.
(b) Mrs. Nicolosi.
(c) Passerello.
(d) Diego Marchica.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Marchica claim is the only reason he confessed during the murder trial in Section 10?

2. How does the wife of the high-ranking minister shown at the beginning of Section 8 react when he answers the phone?

3. Who are the characters shown at the beginning of Section 9 worried about confessing?

4. Who do the two men having a phone conversation at the beginning of Section 8 become annoyed at because of their sudden rise in power?

5. Who does the captain ask the don if he told to get rid of Colasberna?

(see the answer keys)

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