If You Come Softly Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Woodson, Jacqueline
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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If You Come Softly Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Woodson, Jacqueline
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How serious are the jabs between Jeremiah and his friends?
(a) Somewhat serious.
(b) Very serious.
(c) Not serious.
(d) Sometimes serious.

2. When does Jeremiah feel uncomfortable about his skin color?
(a) All the time.
(b) When he sees commercials on television.
(c) When he steps out of his own community.
(d) When he is with his white friends.

3. What is Carlton's response when Jeremiah asks what it is like being the kid of a biracial couple?
(a) It is fun.
(b) It is challenging.
(c) He does not know any different.
(d) It is weird.

4. Why is Jeremiah disappointed about being placed in remedial history?
(a) He does not like the teacher.
(b) He is embarrassed about being in a remedial class.
(c) The school did not give him a placement test and assumed he needed remedial history.
(d) He is bored in the class.

5. How does Ellie respond when her father asks about the boy from school?
(a) She is very upset with him for bringing it up.
(b) She is annoyed her mother mentioned it.
(c) She is shy and embarrassed.
(d) She is relieved to hear he already knows.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Ellie feel about being a loner?

2. In what group of people does Carlton feel he does not belong?

3. As Jeremiah watches his mother prepare dinner, what does he wonder?

4. Jeremiah has grown used to being an only child but still wishes for what?

5. What is the weather the day Ellie and Jeremiah first meet?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Jeremiah feel now that his parents are separated?

2. How does Jeremiah feel about being Black when in his own community?

3. How is racism revealed in Ellie's own home in this section (Chapters 6-10)?

4. About what do Carlton and Miah discuss on their walk home from school?

5. How do Jeremiah and his Brooklyn friends deal with racial issues?

6. What old routine do Ellie and her father discuss?

7. How does Jeremiah feel about his new teammates?

8. What kind of person is Jeremiah looking for?

9. How does Jeremiah reveal his intelligence in his first day in history class?

10. How does Jeremiah end up in Ellie's history class?

(see the answer keys)

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