If You Come Softly Test | Final Test - Easy

Woodson, Jacqueline
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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If You Come Softly Test | Final Test - Easy

Woodson, Jacqueline
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What brings Ellie to Brooklyn for the first time with Miah?
(a) They are studying at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
(b) His mother is cooking them dinner.
(c) Miah has a basketball game.
(d) Miah wants to show her Grand Army Plaza.

2. What does Miah do once he is in his room at his father's home in Chapter 12?
(a) He lays on his bed and daydreams about Ellie.
(b) He begins to study.
(c) He falls asleep.
(d) He stares out the window.

3. When Ellie calls Jeremiah's name, and he turns to look at her, what does he say?
(a) He had hoped she would find him.
(b) He had just been thinking about her.
(c) He is having a hard time studying these days.
(d) Nothing.

4. Anne says that if Ellie finds what kind of love, she will know it when she finds it?
(a) Marion-Edward love.
(b) Plain love.
(c) A slow love.
(d) Perfect love.

5. Whose opinion of his dating a white girl is Miah curious?
(a) His father.
(b) Strangers.
(c) His friends from the neighborhood.
(d) His teammates.

6. In Chapter 12, what does Miah’s father want him to do?
(a) Make dinner.
(b) Meet some people.
(c) Go to his room to study.
(d) Sit on the couch to chat with him.

7. What is the first type of love Anne describes which she compares to investing in the stock market?
(a) Perfect love.
(b) Marion-Edward love.
(c) Quick-fix binge love.
(d) A slow love.

8. What can Ellie not believe about Brooklyn?
(a) How close it is.
(b) How far away it is.
(c) How different it is.
(d) How many trees there are.

9. While in the car with his father, Miah thinks back to the day he and Ellie had been walking along Fifth Avenue and who had started taunting them?
(a) Some white boys.
(b) Two Black women.
(c) Police officers.
(d) A little boy.

10. What does Ellie think when her mother says that life would turn on her and set her down in some strange other place?
(a) She believes her life will never change.
(b) Her mother already turned on her, so what could be worse.
(c) Ellie believes that she has been set down already in another place, but that this new place is perfect.
(d) She believes she has already seen the worst, so any change would be welcome.

11. How does Miah know that Ellie wants to go home and not go to his mother's for dinner in Chapter 20?
(a) He can see it in her eyes.
(b) She keeps looking away from him.
(c) She tells him.
(d) She starts to cry.

12. What does Miah’s father say about his relationship with Nelia?
(a) They were never in love to begin with.
(b) They never stopped loving each other, even though their marriage ended.
(c) They were outgrowing each other when he fell in love with Lois Ann.
(d) They love each other differently now.

13. Miah’s father says that white people do not realize they are white until when?
(a) A white man is attacked.
(b) They are someplace with a lot of Black people.
(c) They look in the mirror.
(d) A white church is destroyed.

14. Miah feels that, although his father loves him, what does he love more?
(a) Fame.
(b) His new girlfriend.
(c) Making movies.
(d) Money.

15. What is Miah's father's response when Miah asks him if he thinks that maybe there is at least one white person who is different?
(a) He truly, truly, hopes so.
(b) Yes, many.
(c) He does not think so.
(d) No, definitely not.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Miah's response when his father asks why he does not see Miah as often in Chapter 19?

2. There is no reason for what kind of love, according to Anne?

3. What do both Miah and his father hope happens when someone dies?

4. What does Miah think he should do when he thinks back on a cousin he has not seen in awhile?

5. Of what does Ellie remind her mother regarding the holiday?

(see the answer keys)

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