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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. In "What Story Down There Awaits its End?" why does the man want to erase the world?
(a) To hide banned literature.
(b) To limit the view of a woman.
(c) To get revenge on a world who has banished him.
(d) To hide himself.
2. Who is the Father of Stories?
(a) A Russian storyteller.
(b) An English storyteller.
(c) A German storyteller.
(d) An Indian storyteller.
3. Where does the reader find the key to Ludmilla's house?
(a) In her car.
(b) In the flower bed.
(c) Under a mat.
(d) Under a plant.
4. Who is the writer of "What Story Down There Awaits its End?"
(a) Anatolin.
(b) Flannery.
(c) Marana.
(d) Cavedagna.
5. Who does Flannery mistake for somebody who wants to get to know him personally?
(a) The reader.
(b) Lotaria.
(c) Marana.
(d) Ludmilla.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who do the Wings of Shadow follow?
2. What is the name of the woman being held hostage in "In a Network of Lines that Enlace"?
3. What is the one thing Marana could not stand about his former lover?
4. Who does the reader imagine is the woman Marana describes in his letters?
5. Who else has visited Flannery?
Short Essay Questions
1. How does Flannery view his readers?
2. How are sensations used in the story "On the Carpet of Leaves Illuminated by the Moon"?
3. Why does Marana seem like a strange character?
4. Describe the shift in perspective that occurs in Chapter 7 and why the author included this.
5. Why do scientists have a woman strapped to a chair reading, according to Marana?
6. What do you think Calvino is trying to say about censorship?
7. Why does Lotaria say that all things are fake?
8. Describe the story in "On the Carpet of Leaves Illuminated by the Moon."
9. Why does the reader accept the assignment in Chapter 10?
10. What is the role of the OEPHLW?
This section contains 751 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |