If on a Winter's Night a Traveler Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

If on a Winter's Night a Traveler Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Against whom does the main character in "Around an Empty Grave" prepare to defend himself?
(a) Anacleta.
(b) Oqiedal.
(c) Dona Jazmina.
(d) Faustino.

2. Who does the reader decide to visit to determine which book is "In a Network of Lines that Enlace"?
(a) Lotaria.
(b) Flannery.
(c) Ludmilla.
(d) Cavedagna.

3. What type of company did the man in "In a Network of Lines that Intersect" found?
(a) Protection against kidnapping.
(b) Restaurant.
(c) Childcare.
(d) Protection against identity theft.

4. In "What Story Down There Awaits its End?" why does the man want to erase the world?
(a) To hide himself.
(b) To hide banned literature.
(c) To limit the view of a woman.
(d) To get revenge on a world who has banished him.

5. According to Irnerio, where would Marana's former lover run to if he returned?
(a) England.
(b) Switzerland.
(c) Spain.
(d) America.

6. How does the man in "In a Network of Lines that Intersect" conceal his true self?
(a) Concealing his images.
(b) Putting a fake persona out in the public eye.
(c) Multiplying his images.
(d) Hiding from his family.

7. Who summoned Marana to break off translation of a novel at a suspenseful part?
(a) The wife of the American president.
(b) The inventor of Cimmerian language.
(c) Cavedagna.
(d) The wife of the Arabian Sultan.

8. Who do the Wings of Shadow follow?
(a) Archangel of Shadow.
(b) Man of Shadow.
(c) Bishop of Shadow.
(d) Archon of Shadow.

9. Who becomes obsessed with a woman that he spies on through a telescope?
(a) Cavedagna.
(b) Marana.
(c) The reader.
(d) Flannery.

10. It becomes clear that which character is writing the book we are reading?
(a) Uzzi-Tuzii.
(b) Flannery.
(c) Cavedagna.
(d) Marana.

11. In whom is Ludmilla currently romantically interested?
(a) Cavedagna.
(b) The reader.
(c) Marana.
(d) Irnerio.

12. Which of the following do the man and Okeda discuss after he collects the items in "On the Carpet of Leaves Illuminated by the Moon"?
(a) Meditation.
(b) Food and drink.
(c) Sensations.
(d) Herbs.

13. Who has been determined to be the subject of Marana's letters?
(a) Cavedanga.
(b) Ludmilla.
(c) The reader.
(d) Lotaria.

14. What are the two parts of the OAP called?
(a) Wings of Shadows and Wings of Light.
(b) Wings of Freedom and Wings of Censorship.
(c) Wings of Colors and Wings of Dull.
(d) Wings of Power and Wings of Repression.

15. What makes the main character in "In a Network of Lines that Intersect" think he is going insane?
(a) Seeing his family hurt.
(b) Seeing his collection of items get destroyed.
(c) Being locked in a basement for days.
(d) Seeing his reflection on all sides.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Miyagi want the young man to gather for them in "On the Carpet of Leaves Illuminated by the Moon"?

2. What is the name of the author who believes he was plagiarized by Flannery?

3. How does the young man feel about Makiko in "On the Carpet of Leaves Illuminated by the Moon"?

4. Who is the writer of "What Story Down There Awaits its End?"

5. What does Flannery try to leave out of his next novel?

(see the answer keys)

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