If on a Winter's Night a Traveler Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

If on a Winter's Night a Traveler Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What books does Lotaria like to read?
(a) Books that clarify issues.
(b) Books with interesting plots.
(c) Books with large vocabulary.
(d) Books that discuss current events.

2. What must a book have for Lotaria to enjoy it?
(a) Setting.
(b) Characters.
(c) Meaning.
(d) Plot.

3. According to a man in "Outside the Town of Malbork," against whom is this group fighting?
(a) Oscans.
(b) Ozkarts.
(c) Zimmins.
(d) Markorts.

4. What is the food described at the beginning of "Outside the Town of Malbork"?
(a) Blatjiziana.
(b) Achozoneja.
(c) Cordenblise.
(d) Schoeblintsjia.

5. Why did the narrator in "Looks Down in the Gathering Shadow" kill the man?
(a) Over a legal issue.
(b) Over money.
(c) Over drugs.
(d) Over a woman.

6. What is the name of the narrator's daughter in "Looks Down in the Gathering Shadow"?
(a) Bernadette.
(b) Sibylle.
(c) Jolene.
(d) Teresa.

7. Which character in "Without Fear of Wind or Vertigo" is described as ungrateful and terse?
(a) Alex.
(b) Eric.
(c) Valerian.
(d) Irina.

8. What is the reader searching for after reading part of "Outside the Town of Malbork"?
(a) A book he will actually enjoy.
(b) A new bookstore.
(c) Love.
(d) A complete book.

9. What allows the reader to personalize the story?
(a) Easily dislikable characters.
(b) Vague descriptions.
(c) Specific settings.
(d) Impersonal dialogue.

10. What is combined with description in "Without Fear of Wind or Vertigo"?
(a) Beautiful imagery.
(b) Sexual innuendo.
(c) Intense violence.
(d) Caricatures.

11. What does the author assume about the reader throughout the book?
(a) That the reader is a man.
(b) That the reader likes to read.
(c) That the reader is a teenager.
(d) That the reader is poor.

12. Who enjoys reading books without underlying meanings?
(a) Lotaria.
(b) Ludmilla.
(c) Irnerio.
(d) The reader.

13. According to the bookseller, who wrote "Outside the Town of Malbork"?
(a) Bailo Hognan.
(b) Maza Kinsor.
(c) Cordezno Blazok.
(d) Tazio Bazakbal.

14. What is considered the language of the dead?
(a) Cimmerian.
(b) Italian.
(c) Cimbric.
(d) English.

15. What made the publishing house question Marana's competency?
(a) A background check.
(b) Inconsistencies.
(c) The type of client he took on.
(d) The types of books he worked on.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Cavedagna?

2. For what does the author chastise the reader?

3. What separates Ludmilla's friend from Ludmilla?

4. What do the two characters in "Looks Down in the Gathering Shadow" want to do with a dead man?

5. What is Galligani's profession?

(see the answer keys)

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