Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. From what illness did Great-Aunt Glo die?
2. What band did one of the surgeons who worked on Mia blast when it was his turn to pick the music?
3. Who is the cello player that Kim points out to Mia in the Nirvana song "Something in the Way"?
4. Where does Mia say she has been hanging out in an empty hospital room to be away from her family at 7:13 p.m.?
5. What does Gran tell Mia her cousin Matthew has recently bought?
Short Essay Questions
1. Who is Brooke Vega? How is she described?
2. Why did Mia once have an emotional fight with Adam about Kim?
3. How would you compare Mia with her mother?
4. How is Great-Aunt Glo's funeral described?
5. How did Kim respond to the fight between Mia and Adam regarding her?
6. How old was Mia when she decided to quit playing cello? Why did she decide to quit?
7. Why did Henry and Mia's father have a huge falling out when Teddy was born?
8. What questions does Mia ask herself while sitting in the corner of the ICU after her body has been rushed off to surgery at 10:40 p.m.?
9. What does Gramps tell Mia in the ICU that feels like a blessing to her? Why does she feel this way?
10. Why does Adam's plan to see Mia fail?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
What are the circumstances that enable the car accident that Mia is injured by? Why is Mia's family driving on the day of the accident? Where are they going? With whom do they collide? Why?
Essay Topic 2
Describe and discuss the members of Mia's family that arrive to visit her at the hospital after the accident. Who arrives and from where? How does Mia feel about each of these characters? Who comforts her the most? Why?
Essay Topic 3
Analyze and discuss the character of Adam Wilde in If I Stay. How old is Adam? How did Adam meet Mia? How would you describe their relationship? What is revealed of Adam's character through his actions in the novel?
This section contains 788 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |