If I Stay Test | Final Test - Easy

Gayle Forman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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If I Stay Test | Final Test - Easy

Gayle Forman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From what illness did Mia's trombonist friend from band camp die?
(a) Lymphoma.
(b) Asthma.
(c) Brain aneurysm.
(d) Lung cancer.

2. What was Gramps doing when Mia asked him whether he liked her dad's new clothes?
(a) Cooking barbecue.
(b) Milking cows.
(c) Tending the garden.
(d) Chopping firewood.

3. Who was Mia's schoolmate that dropped out to have a baby?
(a) Kat Hall.
(b) Kim Schein.
(c) Brooke Vega.
(d) Melanie Farrow.

4. Mia equates Adam's plot to sneak into the ICU ward as being taken straight from what movie?
(a) The Fugitive.
(b) Ocean's Eleven.
(c) The Getaway.
(d) Run Lola Run.

5. What did Mia suggest her grandfather wear to attend his son's shows?
(a) Headphones.
(b) A leather jacket.
(c) Skinny jeans.
(d) A fedora.

6. Who did Adam say Mia was infused with the spirit of when she kissed him after his set on Halloween of her junior year?
(a) Madonna.
(b) Marilyn Monroe.
(c) Debbie Harry.
(d) Gene Autrey.

7. What grade was Mia in when she decided that maybe she would stop playing cello?
(a) Sixth grade.
(b) Seventh grade.
(c) Eighth grade.
(d) Ninth grade.

8. What does Gran always make for Adam on Christmas?
(a) Maple fudge.
(b) Cherry pie.
(c) Strawberry cheesecake.
(d) Apple pie.

9. Where did Mia spend most of her time during Adam's set at the club on Halloween in her junior year of high school?
(a) Backstage.
(b) In the back corner of the dance floor.
(c) On the balcony.
(d) In the mosh pit.

10. Where did Mia go with Kim when she confessed she was in a relationship with Adam?
(a) A cemetery.
(b) A coffee shop.
(c) A park.
(d) The cafeteria.

11. Who does Gran say the thought the bird was on her walk when she visits Mia?
(a) Grandma Sally.
(b) Great-Aunt Glo.
(c) Uncle Jimmy.
(d) Grampa Marks.

12. Why did Mia not like the service given by the pastor at Kerry's funeral?
(a) It was too funny.
(b) It was overly emotional.
(c) It was chaotic.
(d) It was generic.

13. What color hair does Mia describe her family members as having?
(a) Red.
(b) Brunette.
(c) Blond.
(d) Black.

14. What did Mia and Adam encounter in Seattle at the train station that made him cry?
(a) A man throwing a cat into a dumpser.
(b) A man beating his quadriplegic son.
(c) A woman beating her son who had Down syndrome.
(d) An elderly lady run over by a school bus.

15. What was Mia doing when her dad caught her singing a song he wrote?
(a) Vacuuming the living room.
(b) Taking a shower.
(c) Making breakfast.
(d) Serenading Teddy.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Mia's cousin that wears a bright orange jacket for hiking in the woods?

2. Who was Mia's trombonist friend at conservatory camp?

3. What story about a pig did Gramps mention to Mia in the flashback from "2:48 a.m."?

4. About how many students attended the music summer camp that Mia went to?

5. What is tachycardia?

(see the answer keys)

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