If I Had Two Wings Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

If I Had Two Wings Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What city is Ed Phelps exploring in the story When We All Get to Heaven?
(a) Baltimore.
(b) New York City.
(c) Chicago.
(d) Philadelphia.

2. Who did Ed used to know who was so good at guitar he sometimes played for money?
(a) Mr. Benny Jetter.
(b) Mr. John Jingle.
(c) Mr. Henry Frank.
(d) Mr. Moses Roscoe.

3. Where does Ed go to eat in the story When We All Get to Heaven?
(a) The Starlight Diner.
(b) The Mission Clock.
(c) The Tally Bar.
(d) The Carnegie Deli.

4. Who calls Lazarus at the very end of Ain't No Sunshine?
(a) Aunt Frannie.
(b) Aunt Fannie.
(c) Aunt Minne.
(d) Aunt Tensy.

5. What do Cicero and Tony drink together after Tony fixes Cicero's car?
(a) Gin.
(b) Beer.
(c) Vodka.
(d) Whiskey.

6. What county is Cicero driving in when his car breaks down in the story I Thought I Heard the Shuffle of Angels' Feet?
(a) Bucks County.
(b) Falgrass County.
(c) Winston County.
(d) York County.

7. What disagreement is Cicero having with his uncle?
(a) Over what kind of food to serve at the family picnic.
(b) Over Cicero's choice to sell his uncle's car.
(c) Over whether or not to sell the family's land.
(d) Over Cicero's marriage to Gina.

8. Where was Inez Cross Pickett born?
(a) Illinois.
(b) Mexico.
(c) California.
(d) North Carolina.

9. How does Howard Hughes's mother die?
(a) In childbirth.
(b) In a car accident.
(c) From cancer.
(d) From a heart attack.

10. Who is working at the front desk in the police station when Lazarus gets there?
(a) Ben.
(b) Alfreda.
(c) Wanda.
(d) Frank.

11. What does Lazarus call his aunt who is always trying to stick her nose in other people's business?
(a) Aunt Minnie.
(b) Aunt Fannie.
(c) Aunt Tensy.
(d) Aunt Francine.

12. What is the quote that Kenan uses to open the story The Eternal Glory That is Ham Hocks?
(a) A penny saved is a dollar earned.
(b) Fortune favors the brave.
(c) Every man has his price.
(d) We do not know who we really are until we experience happiness.

13. What does the music star ask Ed to do for him and the other people in the room?
(a) Play piano.
(b) Play the violin.
(c) Play drums.
(d) Play guitar.

14. Which university did Jacson and Cicero both attend?
(a) Princeton University.
(b) Harvard University.
(c) Spelman University.
(d) Howard University.

15. What does Cicero tell his uncle that they can keep without selling?
(a) The farm.
(b) The car.
(c) The land.
(d) The house.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Howard Hughes come to Tim's Creek, according to the narrator's mother?

2. What does the police chief tell Lazarus about why he came to see him?

3. What does Lazarus do to J.C. Stokes in the story Ain't No Sunshine?

4. What sport did Tony and Cicero used to participate in together in high school?

5. Why does Lazarus have an altercation with J.C. Stokes?

(see the answer keys)

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