Idylls of the King Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Idylls of the King Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What maiden has been besieged in "Gareth and Lynette"?
(a) Lorraine.
(b) Ariel.
(c) Enid.
(d) Lyonors.

2. Whom did Arthur send to bring Guinevere to him?
(a) Gawain.
(b) Lancelot.
(c) Merlin.
(d) Galahad.

3. The three people who pass Geraint in the woods in "The Marriage of Geraint" are a woman, a knight, and a what?
(a) Dwarf.
(b) Baron.
(c) Duke.
(d) King.

4. Whose mission is it to hunt the wood devil in "Balin and Balan"?
(a) Galahad's.
(b) Balin's.
(c) Balan's.
(d) Lancelot's.

5. In "The Marriage of Geraint," Geraint tells Enid to put on what dress of hers?
(a) Blue.
(b) Purest.
(c) Noblest.
(d) Meanest.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Vivien accuse Merlin of using the spell to do for his own use in "Merlin and Vivien"?

2. For what does Geraint chastise Enid on their journey in "Geraint and Enid"?

3. In what way does Vivien attempt to woo Merlin in "Merlin and Vivien"?

4. What relic does Balin take from the chapel in "Balin and Balan"?

5. What does Merlin tell Vivien of the book in which the spell is written in "Merlin and Vivien"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What finally convinces Leodogran of Arthur's nobility?

2. How does Edyrn's transformation have religious undertones?

3. How does the style of Romanticism appear in "The Coming of Arthur"?

4. What does Guinevere represent to Balin in "Balin and Balan"? How does this affect his actions?

5. What is the controversy over Arthur's birth in "The Coming of the King"? What does this have to do with the central plot of Arthur's objective in the story?

6. How are women and men characterized in "Gareth and Lynette"?

7. What discussion do King Mark and Vivien have in the beginning of "Merlin and Vivien"?

8. Describe the character of Edyrn between "The Marriage of Geraint" and "Geraint and Enid."

9. How is the love affair between Guinevere and Lancelot presented differently by Tennyson than in the Medieval legends?

10. How is the concept of emotion viewed differently from the medieval period than the Romantic period? How is this reflected symbolically in "The Marriage of Geraint"?

(see the answer keys)

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