Idylls of the King Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Idylls of the King Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who originally drank from the Holy Grail?
(a) Christ.
(b) Mark.
(c) Judas.
(d) Peter.

2. Who arrives to take Arthur away on a barge in the end of "The Passing of Arthur"?
(a) The Lady of the Lake.
(b) Merlin.
(c) Three knights.
(d) Three queens.

3. Where does Arthur tell Guinevere he hopes to see her again in "Guinevere"?
(a) The convent.
(b) Her country.
(c) Heaven.
(d) Camelot.

4. What are the women whom Pelleas encounters in the wood doing?
(a) Going to their castle.
(b) Trying to find their way.
(c) Looking for King Arthur.
(d) Looking for Pelleas.

5. To whom is King Arthur metaphorically the most symbolic?
(a) Christ.
(b) Peter.
(c) Paul.
(d) Judas.

6. After passing through the swamp, where does Sir Percivale see the Grail in "The Holy Grail"?
(a) Above Sir Percivale.
(b) Above Sir Gawain.
(c) Above Sir Galahad.
(d) Above Arthur.

7. Who does Pelleas find in bed with Ettarre?
(a) Lancelot.
(b) Galahad.
(c) Uther.
(d) Gawain.

8. To where does Arthur's army push the opposing forces in "The Passing of Arthur"?
(a) The stone wall.
(b) The river.
(c) The castle.
(d) The ocean.

9. Where has Guinevere entered a convent in "Guinevere"?
(a) Almesbury.
(b) Addensbury.
(c) Exeter.
(d) Arutian.

10. What is the prize of Arthur's great tournament in "Lancelot and Elaine"?
(a) A diamond.
(b) A crown.
(c) A ruby.
(d) A scepter.

11. What does Guinevere do when Arthur arrives at the convent in "Guinevere"?
(a) Runs away.
(b) Weeps.
(c) Falls prostrate.
(d) Runs to him.

12. Who initially had the vision of the Holy Grail?
(a) Sir Percivale's sister.
(b) Guinevere's sister.
(c) Arthur's sister.
(d) Lancelot's sister.

13. Which knight, known as pure and just, speaks with the first person who saw the Holy Grail?
(a) Sir Gawain.
(b) Sir Percivale.
(c) Sir Galahad.
(d) Sir Lancelot.

14. According to the ghost, when will Arthur die in "The Passing of Arthur"?
(a) The following year.
(b) The next week.
(c) The next day.
(d) The following hour.

15. In the last moments of battle in "The Passing of Arthur," who is left alive, in addition to Arthur?
(a) Belvidere and Percivale.
(b) Modred and Belvidere.
(c) Pellam and Galahad.
(d) Modred and Percivale.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many brothers does Elaine have in "Lancelot and Elaine"?

2. Who had brought the Holy Grail to England?

3. Who tells the story in "The Passing of Arthur"?

4. Whom does Arthur send to give the mysterious knight the tournament prize in "Lancelot and Elaine"?

5. Arthur tells Guinevere he has not stopped what in "Guinevere"?

(see the answer keys)

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