Idiot's Delight Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Idiot's Delight Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 3.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Irene's bags end up at the end of Act 3?
(a) In the car Harry is traveling in.
(b) On the train.
(c) In the hotel lobby.
(d) In her room.

2. What kind of research does Dr. Waldersee do?
(a) Cancer.
(b) Alzheimer's.
(c) Mental illness.
(d) Sports medicine.

3. What does Dr. Waldersee label Quillery's war theory?
(a) Communism.
(b) Irrational.
(c) A scare tactic.
(d) Marxism.

4. Where does Weber inform Irene the planes are headed?
(a) Germany.
(b) Britain.
(c) Paris.
(d) Russia.

5. As Weber explains to Irene, what is vulnerable now that the planes have left?
(a) The airfield.
(b) The Swiss Alps.
(c) The Italian Alps.
(d) The train station.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Quillery warn Harry about Weber?

2. How are the wait staff dressed at the hotel?

3. Where did her father die, according to Irene?

4. Who convinces Weber to stay for the entertainment as he is getting ready to leave?

5. What has Don disgruntled at the beginning of the play?

(see the answer key)

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