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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is unique about each stage of Erikson's stages of identity development?
2. What can reinforce the process of negative identity formation in terms of Erikson's stages of identity development?
3. During the third stage of Erikson's theory of development, what may occur if an individual's initiatives or attempts at something continually fail?
4. During the Erikson's second stage of development, what does the individual gain when identity has developed in a healthy manner?
5. Why does Erikson state that ideologies have been given a bad name?
Short Essay Questions
1. According to Erikson, why might it be petty to attempt to define "identity" or "identity crisis"?
2. What is Erikson state that he cannot accept Freud's notion that neurotic conflict is not different from normative conflict?
3. What does Erikson suggest that historical periods usually offer a limited number of models in order to develop identity?
4. According to Erikson, why is early adolescents signified by feelings of initiative or guilt?
5. What are some unique characteristics discussed at the beginning of Chapter 4 concerning George Bernard Shaw?
6. What does Erikson suggest is immune to the failure of ego synthesis?
7. What is Erikson suggest that the Western sense of identity has been weakened?
8. Why might it be reasonable to think pathological and developmental aspects of identity?
9. When does Erikson state, concerning James and Shaw, that the adolescent process ended?
10. What does Erikson mean by the term psychosocial moratorium?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
The Erikson suggests that there are a number of economic and practical reasons to focus on women's position in the world. Discuss what these economic and practical reasons may be and how they affect the position of women in today's world
Essay Topic 2
Why does Erikson suggest that true intimacy can only occur after positive identity formation? What does this theory suggest about intimacy as a whole? What is the counterpart of intimacy and how does this play into the concept of intimacy and identity formation?
Essay Topic 3
The Erikson discusses that identity development of women. Outline the history of women's identity that has resulted in the current collective identity of women. Begin from that late 18th century and go to the present.
This section contains 978 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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