Identity, Youth, and Crisis Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Identity, Youth, and Crisis Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Erikson, what action by youth may lead to dangerous behaviors?
(a) Thinking they know everything.
(b) Not seeking support during identity development.
(c) Trying to gain independence.
(d) Doubting elders.

2. What is the critical stage of Erikson's theory of development where women develop their female identity?
(a) When they leave the family.
(b) When they get married.
(c) When they have children.
(d) This never fully forms.

3. In light of Erikson's view on identity development within communities, what must communities recognize in youth?
(a) Their rebellion.
(b) Their identity.
(c) Their energy.
(d) Their lack of identity.

4. Where does Erikson feel our self representations stem from?
(a) Future prospects.
(b) Parents.
(c) Psychosocial crises of childhood.
(d) History.

5. Throughout the stages of Erikson's theory of identity development, what happens if youth do not take advantage of the wisdom elders have to share?
(a) They may become isolated.
(b) They form distinct identities.
(c) They can not form their identities.
(d) Nothing.

6. What does Erikson feel one must explore in a discussion of women that may block meaningful discussion?
(a) Psychological reactions and resistances.
(b) Emotional reactions and resistances.
(c) Intellectual reactions and resistances.
(d) Physical reactions and resistances.

7. What are women able to process better than men, according to Erikson?
(a) Scientific material.
(b) Logic.
(c) Verbal material.
(d) Discrimination.

8. How are Erikson's ideologies of youth fulfilled?
(a) Intellectual cultivation.
(b) By the youth themselves.
(c) Technology.
(d) By society.

9. Why does Erikson think the black identity has been confused?
(a) Historical events.
(b) Negativity of black writers.
(c) Lack of study of this population.
(d) Many do not fully understand identity.

10. How is identity diffusion manifested during the adolescent stages of Erikson's theory of identity development?
(a) Long adolescent moratorium.
(b) No adolescent moratorium.
(c) Short adolescent moratorium.
(d) Strong identity.

11. What do youth try to balance while going through Erikson's stages of identity development?
(a) Fidelity and diversity.
(b) Fidelity and identity.
(c) Diversity and identity.
(d) Diversity and society.

12. What does Erikson propose reflects the body, personality, and social roles of the person?
(a) I.
(b) Them.
(c) Us.
(d) We.

13. Why does Erikson suggest women are more passive than men?
(a) Socialization.
(b) Psychology.
(c) Environment.
(d) Biology.

14. Why does Erikson feel focus has moved to women?
(a) They are equal to men.
(b) They have a lot to offer.
(c) Threat of nuclear annihilation.
(d) They are more than housewives.

15. Within the Erikson's system of the self-concept, what is produced by the ego?
(a) Self-preservation.
(b) Self-loathing.
(c) Self-respect.
(d) Self-representation.

Short Answer Questions

1. What two components within Erikson's theory are important for youth to base their identities on?

2. What elements of Erikson's theory must be balanced in order to avoid obsessiveness and relativism?

3. What to processes, according to Erikson as discussed in Chapter 5, are tied together?

4. What does Erikson suggest might save blacks from having to integrate their identities based on their own decision to do so?

5. Who does Erikson use as an example to discuss the identity of blacks?

(see the answer keys)

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