Identity, Youth, and Crisis Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Identity, Youth, and Crisis Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Erikson feel has barker elements that may not be wholly sincere?
(a) Identity of women.
(b) Emancipation of women.
(c) Helpless feelings of women.
(d) Oppression of women.

2. What does Erikson state that the self-concept of self esteem is tied to?
(a) Biology.
(b) Parents.
(c) Identity.
(d) Environment.

3. What according to Erikson, what involves testing, selecting, and integrating self images?
(a) Community structures.
(b) Ego identity.
(c) Wisdom.
(d) Self-esteem.

4. What does Erikson state is difficult for black mothers in terms of their children?
(a) Allow them to search for their own identity.
(b) Keep them educated.
(c) Teach them about identity.
(d) Let them go through the stages of development.

5. How does Erikson say black males have been exploited?
(a) Psychologically.
(b) Physically.
(c) As humans.
(d) As domestic animals.

6. What does Erikson state the ego is in that it knows and understands where it wants to go?
(a) Whole.
(b) Introspective.
(c) Forward looking.
(d) Intelligent.

7. What do environmental counterweights of identity help explain in terms of Freud's theory of identity?
(a) Outer world of the ego.
(b) Self.
(c) Inner world of the ego.
(d) Society.

8. For women, as proposed by Erikson, when does adulthood begin?
(a) When they get married.
(b) When they turn 18 years old.
(c) With the capacity to give and receive love.
(d) When they have children.

9. In terms of Erikson's theory of identity development, what is one notion that youth resist?
(a) The present.
(b) The past.
(c) The future.
(d) Youth do not resist.

10. What does Erikson state youth often experience, which is evidence of identity diffusion?
(a) Collaboration.
(b) Understanding.
(c) Rebellion.
(d) Estrangement.

11. Why does Erikson suggest women are more passive than men?
(a) Psychology.
(b) Socialization.
(c) Biology.
(d) Environment.

12. What does Erikson suggest might save blacks from having to integrate their identities based on their own decision to do so?
(a) Family.
(b) Community.
(c) Public policy.
(d) Religion.

13. What does Erikson suggest occurs in institutionalized settings such as a hospital with regard to identity?
(a) Emergence of self.
(b) Conformity of identity.
(c) Desperation for identity.
(d) Development of oneliness.

14. What two components within Erikson's theory are important for youth to base their identities on?
(a) Morals and community structure.
(b) Childhood and ideologies.
(c) Ideologies and the future.
(d) Future and childhood.

15. Why does Erikson state that remorseful majorities be watched?
(a) They may repeat habitual patterns.
(b) They may lose their identity.
(c) They may not really be remorseful.
(d) They may become oppressed.

Short Answer Questions

1. What elements does Erikson suggest can be caused by the demand to develop a distinct identity?

2. What does Erikson resist characterizing modern youth as?

3. What does the process of meeting fidelity do for Erikson's theory of youth identity?

4. What elements of Erikson's theory must be balanced in order to avoid obsessiveness and relativism?

5. How does man quantify attributes of himself philosophically and psychologically in terms of Erikson's views of identity development?

(see the answer keys)

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